- Southern Skull Beatdown Tournament Report


--->Deck I Used For The Tournament<---

-=Tribute Monsters – 3=-

[3x] Summoned Skull {Basic Beatdown Card}

-=Non-Tributes – 21=-

[3x] Harpies Brother {See Skull}
[3x] La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp {See Skull}
[3x] 7 Colored Fish {See Skull}
[2x] Hayabusa Knight {For all those Gravity Bind Decks}
[2x] Man-Eater Bug {Too Bad}
[2x] Magician of Faith {Raigeki or Monster Reborn etc.}
[2x] Maha Vailo {AXE}
[2x] Dark Elf {More for Stall}
[1x] Witch of the Black Forest {Summoned Skull or Maha}
[1x] Cyber Jar {I love this card}

-=Magic – 15=-

[3x] Malevolent Nuzzler {Good Equip and I get to pay LP to get it back}
[3x] Fissure {Barrel Dragon is gone)
[1x] Axe of Despair {MAHA}
[1x] Raigeki {Time to attack Life Points}
[1x] Monster Reborn {Get Back A Monster}
[1x] Change of Heart {Take It Tribute It}
[1x] Dark Hole {Attack LP}
[1x] Pot of Greed {2 cards…Nice}
[1x] Heavy Storm {For Gravity Bind}
[1x] Giant Trunade {For Gravity Bind}
[1x] Ekibyo Drakmord {Better than Spellbinding Circle}

-=Traps – 10=-

[3x] Trap Hole {Barrel Dragon is gone}
[2x] Michizure {Your Coming With Me}
[2x] Waboku {Save My LP}
[1x] Magic Drain {Raigeki}
[1x] Solemn Wishes {Help out my LP}
[1x] Robbin’ Goblin {Exodia Decks…Say Goodbye}

-=Total Cards: 49=-


This is the first time that I want to this tournament and I hoped to go in and see what I could do. I go to a tournament where I live on most Thursday's and I saw some people I knew from there!


Round #1 Me Vs. Guy With Wind Deck

Duel #1

I walked in and saw some kids dueling at a table.......I looked at my competition and saw one kid that seemed to dominate over all the others...first my brother dueled him and sorry to say but he is not the best duelist in the world. The guy I am talking about here creamed him and I was feeling sorry my brother. Well I thought this guy would be a good opponent to me (not to sound cocky or anything) but I went against him.... he tried hard but the very first move I used dark hole and put Maha Vailo on the field and equipped her with Malevolent Nuzzler bringing her attack to 2750....from there he had put no Magic or Traps so I just took a chunk out of his Life Points...and then he got some of my monsters I know that but I ended up winning!!

Duel #2

About the same thing I basically dueled al out and destroyed his Life Points...I am really happy and I beat him and he was kinda mad! What else can I say I beat him down (what my deck was made to do)!!!


Round #2 Me Vs. Guy With Defensive Sorta Deck

Duel #1 

He just basically put down alot of big defense guys and I really don't know what to say about him......he did good I will give him that but I won this one too and really quick too........we did not even play 2 duels because he did not want to get killed again!!


Round # 3 Me Vs. Guy with another Beatdown deck

Duel #1

This guy had dueled my brother right before me......I did not see that duel because I was busy dueling the guy I just talked about (Above this) and my brother did not do to good there either. Well I dueled this guy and beat him down........he had alot better monster cards and I had him going for a pretty good well and I got Maha with Axe and I got him good.........this is basically it!!


Now it is time for the Props and Slops

Props --->

I won every duel I went against
I got some really good cards
Good Tournament
My "Lucky" Hat

Slops --->

They were sold out of the Starter Decks
Besides That it was all good




I also get on Yahoo Messenger and AIM with the screename --->

confederateyugi ------------------ put me on your buddy list

Thanks Everybody