Counter Deck


Comic Chest

Va Beach, VA

48 participants




lvl 7 and higher
(1 cards)
1x BD

lvl 5 and 6
(3 cards)
3x SS

lvl 4 and lower
(18 cards)
3x la jinn
3x man eater bug
2x witch of the black forest
2x sangan
2x mask of darkness
2x magician of faith
2x dark elf
1x wall of illusion
1x princess of Tsurugi

total monsters : 22


(11 cards)
2x tribute to the doomed
1x change of heart
1x monster reborn
1x raigeki
1x dark hole
1x pot of greed
1x heavy storm
1x card destruction

(12 cards)
1x mirror force
2x trap hole
3x solemn judgement
2x magic jammer
2x 7 tools of the bandit
2x waboku

total magic/trap : 23

total cards : 45


round 1


me vs some teenager


this time I was playing with a really bad deck.  I didn’t really feel like playing.  The only reason I entered was for the tourney packs.  I didn’t get anything good though.  Anyways, on with the match.  Even with the bad deck, I was still easily able to defeat my opponent.  I used trapped hole a lot and he didn’t have anything to counter it.  Basically that is how I beat him the first round.   Second round, he couldn’t pull anything to use against me so again I beat him.


Round 2

Me vs jonah (some kid’s moms)


In the first duel, she didn’t pull anything at all.  I just kept putting monsters on the field and attacking her.  The second duel, she pulled what she needed and I didn’t pull anything so she beat me.  In the third duel, the time went up.  Even though I had more life points, I didn’t feel like playing anymore so I told the referee that she won.


Well, that was the end of my tourney experience.



My brother (jimmy) vs josh


They didn’t care about this match until they found out that the winner of the match would get the tourney pack with versago the destroyer in it.  Josh won the first duel very easily.  His only life point dmg was the solemn judgement he used.  On the second duel, in the middle, my brother kept summoning monsters while josh had no monsters on the field or in his hand.  He also had no magic or trap so basically he lost after my brother kept attacking.  I left after this so I didn’t watch the final duel, but my brother did win.  Again.


