Subject: Tourney Report- Umi Deck Bob

Umi Deck Bob Johnson   
Janzen's Cards 
Poughkippsie, NY
# of people 10

This was the best tournament ever. Great duals with great cards and decks. Prizes were for 1st 1 box of Lob and Magic Ruler 2nd was 1 box of MRDs and 3rd was 10 MRD boosters. My Deck.


Monsters [18]

3x Suijin
3x 7 Colored Fish
3x Star Boy
3x Aqua Madoor
3x Catapault Turtle
3x Crab Turtle 

Magic [21] 

1x Raiegki 
1x Monster Reborn
1x Change of Heart
3x Turtle's Oath
3x Umi
2x Swords of Revealing Light
3x Fissure
2x Heavy Storm
1x Pot of Greed
1x Dark Hole

Trap [7]

2x Magic Jammer 
2x 7 tools of the bandit
1x Mirror Force
2x Solemn Judgement

Monster to Magi/Trap Ratio 18:28

This is my first report on pojo. I  don't  have a side deck. This  was a great tournament. Everyone did well. All the particepents were Bob[me],Damien,Derrick,Ben,Sawyer,Josh,Kevin,Raymond,Daniel,and Matt.

Match 1

Bob vs Matt Light Deck

8000 / 8000

8000-3200-800-0 / 8000-3200-2200-1200-0

He uses only uses Light monsters and I won easily. Suijin did most of the damage. No need.

Match 2

Bob vs Raymond ??? Deck

8000-7000/ 8000-5500 / 8000-5600-3200-0 / 8000-6000-5000-4000-3000-600-0

He had an awful deck. I won 2-0. Don't remember because it was so fast.

Match 3

Bob vs Daniel  Weak Dragon Deck

8000-6000-3000/8000 8000-6000-3600-1200-0

This was more of a challange than the last two. he a 2x Bewd but thats it. Ohh yeah he had 2x REBD AND SS combo. He played Lord of D combo out early with 2 BEWD but Mirror Force and Suijin saved me.

Match 4

Bob vs Ben Harpy Lady Deck

8000 / 8000-6600 8000-2600-0/ 8000-5000-2700-0

His deck was horrible I won so easily.It's a waste of time.

In between duels, I watched a duel between Damien and Josh. Damien won.

4 made it to Semi's


I played Sawyer and Damien vs Josh

Bob vs Sawyer Toon Deck

8000-5000/8000-5000-2500-400 8000-7000-6000-5000-2600-2100-0/8000-2600-0

This was a great duel. His toon deck was amazing and it was two great duels. In the first one he couldn't get any toons except BETD. It was easy. Duel two he had me down too 400 and him 2100 but I raiegkied him an did direct damage with Suijin.


Bob vs Damien Dragon Deck

8000-2000-0 8000 8000-5000-2600-200 8000-7500-6000-4500-2500-100

8000-6000-5000 8000-4500-3100-1700-700-200-0 8000-6400-5400-1800-200-0

This was the hardest duel ever but i won because of mirror force.

I won 1st place. Props & Slops

Props- Everyone who went

Me for first place

My mom for driving me

Suijin and Mirror for being # 1 cards

Slops- NONE  

Bob Johnson If you have any questions or deck fixes e-mail me