Subject: Reigner of the Tulmotuous beatdown, Fleat Easley, Omni comics, Westhersfield, Ct Reigner of the Tulmoltuous Beatdown Participants: 64 (one of the West Hartford tourneys broke down, so there were 2 separate tourneys of 32 people) Location: Omni comics and cards, Weathersfield, CT Entrance Fee: $5 Prize: 2 Pharaoh's Servant packs (this store has them somehow. Go figure) Monsters: 22 La jinn x3 7 colored Fish x3 Man Eater Bug x3 Wall of Illusion x3 Magician of Faith x2 Mask of Darkness Hibikime (added in before the tourney as a meta-game against Messenger of peace) Witch of the Black Forest x2 Cannon solider x2 Maha Vailo x2 Magic/Trap: 22 Heavy storm x2 Dark hole Change of heart Snatch Steal Fissure x3 Pot of greed Sword of revealing light x2 Monster reborn Raigeki Malevolent nuzzler x3 Tribute to the Doomed Magic Jammer Trap hole x2 Mirror force Spellbinding Circle Total: 44 During the last tournament, I discovered that everyone assumed that none of my monsters had high defenses, so everyone just used a messenger of peace plus 1300 attack monsters to kill me. So this time I added 3 wall of illusions and Hibikime to counter it. When I got to the tourney, I discovered that the store was selling Pharaoh's servant packs for 5 bucks. There were a few Jinzo's and Mirror Walls floating around, but I couldn't get them. O well. They legalized the set for the tourney, but I didn't see that many of the cards used against me. I was put in the West Hartford tourney, and my friend T was put in the other one. My first opponent is someone who just referred to himself as "N". He was like 11 years old and was playing for his older brother. Match One Fleat vs. N Duel one N = 8000-6600-4050-2600-0000 Fleat = 8000 He played 4 magics first turn and a monster face down. It got tributed to the doomed and I attacked with cannon solider. He didn't get any good monsters for the remainder of the game and I won with Hibikime and cannon solider after Raigeki his face down cyber jar. Duel two N = 8000-6200-3300-0000 Fleat = 8000-7500-3900 More interesting match. He Card destructed first turn nailing swords and a magician of faith. He did the 3600 to me after he played dark zebra and change of hearted my 7 colored fish. But then he zebra was switched to defense mode and I wrapped up. He attempted to use monster Reborn to get the Suijin he discarded first turn, but I magic jammed it. I think he only got 2 monsters in the duel. Overview He commented that his brother didn't have enough monsters in the deck. I agree. MATCH TWO Fleat vs. Luis Duel one Luis = 8000-3450-0000 Fleat =8000 He got no monsters during the entire game. After stalling two turns, I switched all my monsters to attack mode and killed him in 2 turns with witch, Hibikime, and La jinn. Duel two Luis = 8000-6200-4400-3900-3750-3250-0000 Fleat = 8000-7400 In the beginning there was some back and forth action. I set a man-eater in defense mode and passed. He set a defense monster and a card face down. I flipped the bug, played la jinn and attacked. He then played a battle ox, equipped it with a malevolent nuzzler and attacked me for 600. I then fissured it and set down another la jinn and attacked. After that he just put up defenses while cannon soldier chipped away at him. MATCH THREE Fleat vs. Sebby Preview: Now this kid is how I found out about this tourney in September via his deck report (which can still be seen in the September section of the deck reports). Ever since that point we have had many a back and forth action in the duels we always play against each other every week. Over the time I've come to respect him greatly. Duel one Sebby = 8000-7700-6700-6200-5750-5250-3850-3350-3250-0000 Fleat = 8000-7000-6600-3250-2250-1750 This duel was so confusing I'll only have to describe a few of the major events. His catapult turtle caused the 6600-3250. He had played giant rat, tributed it with the turtle for another one, then another, then another, and wrapped up with a Potted plant. He then equipped a Jinzo with a black pendant and attacked me. I then used Raigeki, lost 500 for the pendant effect, and played a cannon soldier. I then tributed a bug (I think) and attacked with it, bringing him down to 3850. The next turn I summoned a la jinn as a cannon soldier tribute and I didn't attack, for fear of dying. He then got a messenger of peace. Somehow I killed his monster (equipping cannon soldier I think) and won with a 3800 attack. Duel two Sebby = 8000-7500-6500-5400-2200-1700-0400-0000 Fleat = 8000-7000-5100 Much of this match is beyond me, but I remember that the turn before he died he played a Jinzo and equipped it with 2 malevolent nuzzlers for the 1900 damage. MATCH FOUR Paul vs. Fleat Preview: This guy was like 30 years old. He used a black skull fusion deck and it didn't do very well because most of his better cards are Japanese and hence not legal. Duel one Paul = 8000-6550-4100-2650-1500-0775-0338-0000 Fleat = 8000-6900-3500 I went first this one, and set man-eater bug in defense mode and passed. After that he used tribute to the doomed and then set a witch of the Black Forest and attacked me. I drew, fissured it, and placed a wall of illusion in defense mode. He then proceeded to summon the black skull dragon second turn. But it attacked the wall and got sent back to the fusion deck. I then attacked with a Hibikime and brought him down to 2650. He then killed my Hibikime, revived the summoned skull and attacked me. I then used Maha Valio and I won. Duel two Paul = 8000-5700-2700-3700-0000 Fleat = 8000 Slow game. I used swords early, but neither of us got that many monsters He then played mystic plasma zone, killed my Hibikime, revived the summoned skull, attacked a sword of deep seated to it and attacked me. I then used my snatch steal to get his skull and I won. MATCH FIVE (finals) Ted vs. Fleat Duel one Ted = 8000-6200-1650-1150-0000 Fleat = 8000 I don't know much about this match because I was trading with Paul at the time. All I remember is that cannon soldier was used at one point and I kept killing all of his monsters. Duel two Ted = 8000-7500-4300-2900-2650-0000 Fleat = 8000 Frankly I don't know how this kid got to the finals. He did no damage even though I wasn't paying attention, Ho hum. Well, I won the East Hartford block and got 2 pharaoh's servant packs. I also traded for a serpent knight dragon. Fleat Easley