{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 \par \par Josh's Tight Bangin Tourny Report\par \par \par \par \par

All Sports Collectables

\par Shawano WI
\par Nov. 16th, 1:00
\par Number of Entrants: 16
\par Prizes\par \par

My Deck

\par Monsters (19)\par
\par \par
\par Magic (14)
\par \par Traps (8)
\par \par Total (41)
\par \par
\par \par

As usuall there was a pre-tourny drawing for cards, these included Ax of Despair, Forceful Sentry, Giant Trunade, and a few others. After getting my name pulled out twice last week I was feelin pretty lucky so I put $3 in the pot this time. Well Russ got first pull and got the ax, but a few turns later I got my name drawn out twice so it was all good. I got a Force-Sent and a Hayabusa Knight.


Now on to the Duels

\par My first match was agianst Steve, he ran a pretty strong 50 card deck.

\par First Duel: Me vs. Steve\par

This match started out pretty slow with very little life pts. being taken off. But soon enough the fun began. I played a SoRL, this gave me enough time to draw a few key cards I needed to break this duel open. After his 2nd turn of swords I busted out a Raigeki and took out his Face up Big eye and White Magical Hat. Then I tributed my WoBF to bring out a Skull\par and started to take off the life pts. Next turn I summoned the Dark Elf I got w/ WoBF and finished him off.

\par Winner: Me (4500-0)
\par \par

Second Duel: Me vs. Steve
\par Comin off the last win I was feeling pretty confident in the effectiveness of my deck, and to top it off I had a decent draw. He elected to 2nd so I put down my mirror force and a bug face down. Then he used mystical space typoon and destroyed my Mirror Force and put a monster face down. I was disgruntled about losing my Mirror Force but I retaliated by bring out a Skull w/ an ax and killed the face down monster. Then to my horror he snach stole my suped up skull and started dwindling my lp w/ it. After a few turns he bought out his own Skull and the 2 Skulls finished me off.

\par Winner: Steve (0-4950)
\par \par

Third Duel: Me vs. Steve
\par This one was gonna go the distance. It went on very slow for a few turns until he broungt out a Mysterious Puppeteer. He started gain life like it was goin outta style. He was at 11000 when the tides turned. I got out a skull and destroyed his puppeteer. On the next turn I activated 2 Robin Goblins and went to town on his hand. Then his life pts. just nosedived.

\par Winner: Me (4450-0)
\par Second Round, Me vs. Jory. Last Week Jory beat Russ at Penn Dragon and he though ihe was the shiznazzle.
\par First Duel: Me vs. Jory

I drew the ultimate first hand, it consisted of Raigeki, Heavy Storm, Trib to Doomed, Del. Duo, and a Dark elf. My first turn I just cleared the whole board and attacked w/ Elf. Then Next Turn I brought out a Skull and attacked w/ both. On my 3rd turn it was over.

\par Winner: Me (5000-0)
\par \par Second Duel: Me vs. Jory

Another awsome draw. I got both Heavy Storm and Raigeki again. This one didn't go as fast, but i ended up activating a Robbin' Goblin and attacked w/ White Magical Hat. From then on he had no hand. I had him down to 1400 lp and he must not have drawn a game saving card. He then threw the card he drew across the room and forfit.......HAHAHA

\par Winner: Me (8000-0)
\par Third Round, Me vs. Eric.
\par First Duel: Me vs. Eric

I went second, played Del. Duo and pulled out a BEWD and a Toon Blue eyes. I reborn his BEWD w/ an AX and took 4000 direct off. He laid a card face down and ended his turn. I Raigekied, laid cannon soldier and beat him on my 2nd turn.

\par Winner: Me (8000-0)
\par Second Duel: Me vs. Eric

This match I used SoRL 3 times for 9 turns, during this time I just ate away at his lps with a Face up bug, Mof, and Mod. Somewhere in the middle he used Snatch Steal on my Skull and I gained 2000 lp because he couldnt attack w/ it. I Raigekied the skull and finished this one off.

\par Winner: Me (10000-0)
\par These duels were for 1st and 2nd place, I had to play Jesse. But Jesse had a bunch of Ben's cards as well so it was some tough Dueling.
\par First Duel: Me vs. Jesse
\par I had the worst draw of the day, I started to lose lps as the rounds went on. I used Cyber Jar and got 2 La Jinns, and a Dark Elf. I thought this would turn it around, but he drew a Raigeki off Cyber Jar. A few rounds later I was shufflin for the next Duel.\par

\par Winner: Jesse (0-3500)
\par Second Duel: Me vs. Jesse
\par This was prety much the same story as the previous duel. I manged to get a SoRL out but it didn't much help. I couldn't activate key magic and traps when they needed to be played and my LP's showed it. Oh well 2nd still decent.

\par Winner: Jesse (0-3500)
\par \par

  • Me for takin 2nd place
  • \par
  • Me getting a mirror force and Holo bug in my tin
  • \par
  • Me for getting 2 Axs, another SoRL, a Del. Duo, Forceful Sentry, ect.
  • \par
  • Jesse for Winning
  • \par
  • Funk master Tim for pickin my name twice in the drawing.
  • \par
  • Me for tearing Jory apart 2 duels in a row.\par
  • Main Street for being open
  • \par
  • Russ for showing his love for the XFL
  • \par
\par Slops:\par
  • Russ for not getting in the tourny
  • \par
  • Nelson or Ben showing up
  • \par
  • Nobody giving Bo the Dolamite 1-2(For those of you who don't know: its a whack to the shins with a cane, and a pimp slap across the Grill.
  • \par
  • Tim for getting the worse tin Ive ever seen.
  • \par
  • Old people, and their incesant need to drive ultra-slow.\par
  • AJ
\par Josh
\par We_got_that_on_dubs35@hotmail.com\par \par \par }