
This is the report for the July 20th Yugioh Tournament held at Fun & Games in Temecula, CA. The tournament was capped at 46 people, two times the highest turnout prior to today, which was set by the last Yugioh tournament. *Chuckle Chuckle* It was a Swiss style tournament with 4 rounds, the 1st and 2nd place contestants both ended up with 8*** (each star representing 2-0 matches) and going face to face in a showcase duel. The results are as follows:

1st Place: Matt B./Lord of Exodia Deck/

1.Lord of D
2.Lord of D
3.Lord of D
4.Flute of Summoning Dragon
5.Flute of Summoning Dragon
6.Flute of Summoning Dragon
7.Blue-Eyes White Dragon
8.Blue-Eyes White Dragon
9.Blue-Eyes White Dragon
10.Tri-horned Dragon
11.Tri-horned Dragon

12.Tri-horned Dragon
13.La Jinn
14.La Jinn
15.La Jinn
16.Man Eater Bug
17.Man Eater Bug
18.Man Eater Bug
19.Witch of the Black Forest
20.Witch of the Black Forest
21.Dark Hole
22.Monster Reborn
23.Pot of Greed
24.Change of Heart
28.Remove Trap
29.Remove Trap
30.Remove Trap
35.Heavy Storm
36.Mirror Force
37.Trap Hole
38.Trap Hole
39.Trap Hole

Side Deck:
1.Head of Exodia
2.Right Arm of Exodia
3.Right Leg of Exodia
4.Left Leg of Exodia
5.Left Arm of Exodia
8.Swords of Revealing Light
9.Swords of Revealing Light
10.Block Attack

11.Block Attack
12.Block Attack
13.7-Colored Fish
14.7-Colored Fish
15.7-Colored Fish

This deck has taken time, money and a lot of sacrifice to get, I am now looking forward to San Diego and the Official Tournament happening at Comicon. I am hoping you will get another report for a good showing from me there. I would like to thank Fun & Games, Vic, Tom, Marty, Joey, Greg, and all those who help make our event successful. You can reach me at and my name again is Matt.

2nd Place: Matthew F./He plays a modification deck, lots of accessory magics. A well collected deck, with a little work, definetly in contention for doing well in tournament play.
3rd Place: Tom/ Tom plays a very strong mixed deck, look out for Lord of D/FOSD combo, as well as anything he has devised for you.