Wrom: GDGVCJVTLBXFGGMEPYOQKEDOTWF Deck Name: Quick Hit My name: Andrew Salazar Tournament Name: Duelist King Precursor tournament Location: Sports Cards Etc, Littleton CO Date: 7/28/02 Quick Hit(41 cards): Monsters(22) 1x Judge Man 1x Bistro Butcher 1x Sanga of thunder 1x La Jinn, The mystical genie 1x Man Eater Bug 1x Blue Winged Crown 1x Rogue Doll 1x Man Eater Treasure Chest 2x Ryu-Kishin Powered 1x Blue Eyes White Dragon 2x Summoned Skull 1x Great White 1x Witch of the Black Forest 1x Wall of illusion 1x Neo the Magic Swordsman 1x Battle Ox 1x Mask of Darkness 1x Dragon Zombie 1x Sword Stalker 1x Electric Lizard Magic(11): 1x Card Destruction 1x Sword of Dark Destruction 1x De-Spell 2x Fissure 1x Dark Hole 1x Change of Heart 1x Invigoration 1x Sword of the Deep Seated 1x Monster Reborn 1x Soul Exchange Trap(8) 2x Reinforcements 1x Wobaku 2x Ultimate Offering 2x Trap Hole 1x Just desserts OK, this story actually starts the day before, with my losing horribly to a major player at this store(I was at a practice session). This being my first tournament, I wasn't exactly confident until I came up with a way to power my deck up. Before the changes, I had around 10 1500atk monsters,and about 2 effect. But HA! I bought the yugi starter and boosted my deck! Hello Man eater, Change of heart, wobaku, another reinforcements, another trap hole, another summoned skull, and many 1600 attack monsters. So just before the first round, I buy some card slip protectors and get to the first round. Round 1 Andrew(me) vs. Another newb Didnt get this ones name. This one was pretty basic, I just got a ryu-kishin and judge man out backed up w/ 2 trap holes and a Wobaku, before bringing out my blue eyes. The kid laughed when I played it(as many do), saying that I don't know how to play. The laugh stopped after he got beaten by it. He left in a hurry, leaving a card and forgetting the second round. I left the card to the judges (it was a trap master, big whoop). And I stood proud with my first round win! After waiting an eternity for a bunch of kids to end their duels, I wished my friend (who is also named Andrew) good luck and got to MY duel. Round 2 Duel 1 Andrew(1-0) vs. Aleman(2-1) Ha, I almost laughed when i heard this guys name. We went straight to a duel w/o talk, and I went into action. After bringing out a la jinn and great white on my first turn with Ultimate Offering, he watched in horror as he drew his ONLY 3 TRIBUTES as his only monsters. This one was quick and esy. Duel 2 This one was almost as quick as the last one. I brought out neo the magic swordsman and boosted it with Sword of Deep seated. He attached a ring of magnetism, and I quickly sacrificed it for swordstalker, which was also equipped with sword of the deep seated now. I get a man eater on the field to take out his wall of illusion before bringing out my blue eyes again, only to be capture jar-ed. Finally I was able to bring out a ryu-kishin to take away his 100 lp. After talking with some of the other kids, I realized how much trouble I was going to have. The competitors were down to 9, and I was the only one who was playing their first tournament. I sat down with hope that my deck could save me. Round 3 Andrew(3-0) vs. Bandit(4-0) Duel 1 This round blew me away. He goes first with 2 tremendous fires and an ookazi, taking away an immediate 2800 off my lp. I countered it with a ultimate offering and a ryukishin-sacrifice for Summoned Skull. wham, trap hole. Next turn he attacks with...dream clown?!? whack, more direct damage. I try to soul exchange his dream clown for another summoned skull, but when i attack, I'm hit with a man eater bug. He plays a few more monsters, and my life points are done. Duel 2 This was just a bad hand. I ended up with no monsters, as he pulled another ookazi and tremendous fire on me. He then plays dream clown, and I draw... the bistro butcher?!? I play it, just for some protection, but next turn he plays a man eater bug and wipes it out for more dream clown attacking. The rest of the duel pretty much went like this: I play a monster He plays a face down monster I attack Man eater bug effect on my monster i play a monster trap hole he attacks, attacks ATTACKS! til I am done and out. Well, I was glad to make it so far on my first tourney, so I hurry to the judges to get my prize...a Metal raiders booster?!?! Thats it! All the drama, and heartache, and blood and sweat and everything else just for a twin headed thunder dragon and a soul release! I decide that next sunday, I will trade my thunder dragon for something else. All in all, this tournament was loads of fun, and I plan to do it again soon! Andrew S. Aka Sephiroth27 and Devious