Subject: Jeff Scott F/S Beatdown July21,2002 Alternate Realms
Hey everyone this is Jeff from Alternate Realms i was in a tourney this sunday and i wrote a report so here it is =)

Today I played in the Sunday Yu-Gi-Oh Tourney
Heres My Deck
3x 7-C Fish
3x Neo
3x La Jinn
3x Man-Eater Bug
3x Skull Summoned
1x Magician Of Faith

3x Fissure
1x Heavy Storm
1x De-Spell
1x Change Of Heart
1x Pot Of Greed
1x Reborn
1x Dark Hole
2x Card Destruction

3x Trap Hole
3x Waboku
2x Robbing Goblin
2x Ultimate Offering
1x Magic Jammer
1x Seven Tools

40 Cards=)

Rd 1: F/S Beatdown vs 100 card Deck
Game 1:
I basically beat the living hell outta this kids deck he said how many BEWD do u play i say 0 and he says u don kno how ta play i say wateva kid i bust out
3 skulls on him and i kill him bad ly

Game 2: He still thinks he can beat me i attack him for 7500 on turn one via ultimate offering and two card destruction he laughs filps mirror force i laugh and filp seven tools of the bandit i say i don think so buddy and it is game next turn lolz

Rd: 2 F/S Beatdown vs Ray
Game 1: i shake his hand for good game he says ye good game 1st i pass and lay magic jammer and seven tools face down he goes attacks me for 1800 via 7-C Fish
i play dark hole then ultimate offering then card destruction layin my reborn face down and my magician of faith face down i play reborn taking his BEWD i also filp magician of faith and get reborn back and reborn a skull from my graveyard I also use ultimate offering to play 7-CFish he take 7,300 dmg i go he dark holes i play MJ hahaha magic jamma OWNZ j00 i go i attack he wabokus i say ACK! he goes uses 3fissures wat a lucky bitch he drew two mo cards via pot of greed he lays a monster face down in def mode i go i draw TTTD and use it on tat lil bastard and it dies i say ha! and i attack him for 1800via La Jinn and i win game 1

Game: 2 he dont get anything and i win w/ 1 7-C Fish and 1 La Jinn

Rd: 3 Noooooo im facing the person i share cards with Chris F ahhh crap
He is prolly is the best person in the whole league with morrus brandon and pat
close behind lolz

I forfeit because i know he is gonna win he tourney for som reason

Rd:4 ack! Brandon
Game 1: he slaughters me
Game 2: he forgets that he has a trap hole face down and i win
Game 3: he slaughters me once more

well i look to see who chris is playin in the finals its like this
Chris vs Andrew(how did he make it he sux)
Morrus vs Pat
Nick vs Brandon
Angelo vs Mike (wow mike u gotta trade me tat mirror force)

Chris wins: 2-0
Pat wins: 2-1
Nick wins: 2-1
Angelo wins: 2-0

The next pairings.......
Chris vs Nick
Pat vs Angelo

Chris wins: 2-0
Pat wins: 2-0

And chris and pat split Chris gets mirror force which he is letting me use =) thanks chris =) ur the best he also gets THTD which is our 2nd

Props: Chris for 0wning us all and winning the tourney
Props: To Chris For giving Me Mirror Force!
Props: To me because i beat Brandon! but he still beat me 2-1 lol

Slops: To pplz tat say i suck
Slops: To bad packs
Slops: To me for losing my seven tools (good thing i found it)

This is the DuEl MaSta SigNin OuT
u can reach me at
OR! On AIM at @ BluePerson0000