Summoned Skull The Backstabber


Larry Mossburg A.K.A. SaiyajinDuelist


Grand Slam Sports Cards


Jacksonville, North Carolina


December 14th, Saturday, 1:00 P.M.


Competitors - 16 (including me)



Summoned Skull The Backstaber


Tribute Monsters: 3

Summoned Skull x3


Normal Monsters:4

La jinn x2

7 Colored Fish x2


Effect Monsters:12

Wall of Illusion x2

Cyber Jar x1

Magician of Faith x1

Witch of the Black Forest x1

Man-Eater Bug x2

Nimble Momonga x3

4-Starred Ladybug of Doom x2



Raigeki x1

Change of Heart x1

Heavy Storm x1

Monster Reborn x1

Premature Burial x1

Fissure x3



Malevolent Nuzzler x3



Mirror Force x1

Waboku x3

Trap Hole x3

Enchanted Javelin x3


Total = 40 Cards


Introduction:"Just in time!!!"

First when everybody got there, we counted up and had 16 Duelists to be exact, I made it just in time. This was my first tourney ever. Me and my friend had to draw a numbered card to see who went first. I got 15 and he got 16. So we started with me Vs. him.


First Duel:Larry Vs. Wesley

Once we got situated, it wasn't long before I had creamed him twice, my friend ran a very slow Dragon deck. He wouldn't take advice from me for anything, he never got out his dragons and I used Raigeki and destroyed him with my 2 Summoned Skull.


Second Duel:Larry Vs. Christopher

The next round was yet again another immensly popular dragon deck, this one faired a little better than my friend. But I took him out in a couple of turns on each duel. After that I moved on.


Third Duel:Larry Vs. Stall Deck (Don't know duelists name)

My third duel was against a stall deck run by a beginner, I thought I had this one in the bag as soon as it began. Eventually though I learned he was more worried about decking out my 40 card deck than depleting my lp. Eventually I got my Raigeki out though and hammered him with a powered up SS with nuzzler and 2 La jinn.


Fourth Duel:Larry Vs. Joe (The store champ)

My fourth duel was a real real heart killer, I was face to face with the store champ. He had never been beat unless by luck, I was nervous. I began the duel with a strong defense and some good offense, any that my deck had to offer. I easily lured him into my traps and before long all that healing he had done had no effect for all the traps I had used killing his strongest mons. He had nothing left and I destroyed him. The second duel was alot tougher, he beat me to a pulp with his buster blade and axe of despair. I lost that duel, we then comminced the third duel to decide the winner, it pretty much repeated the same process of me using my traps. I beat him and won the match.


Short Intermission:Loser Bracket Catchup

I had to wait for the loser bracket to catch up, it worked with all the losers going to a bracket and beating each other till only one was left. The last one would duel me. So while I wait I just shuffled constantly and got me a soda. Glory would have it that I faced Joe again for my final duel of the tourny.


Fifth Duel:Larry Vs. Joe (Again)

So far my deck had surpassed all my expectations, it figured seeing as how I had put so much time into it. So I began off, I repeated the process of using my traps and hurting him bad, using pshycology as much as possible. Second duel of the match was like Deja Vu, he killed all my mons and set me ablaze with his buster blade. I was yet again forced to rely upon the final sudden death duel (what I call it since if i lose im screwed and if he wins he wins, alot on the line). I began off good as before and before I knew it he was staring down at my side of field with my SS dominating. I countered everything he threw at me, I tricked him into tributing on the first turn and me wiping out one of his best mons. I didn't lay down a mon and I was correct he tributed and I trap holed. A technique some of you should use. I then just obliterated his life points.


Aftermath:"You did it Larry!"

I was so surprised, I really made a name for my self, he had been the best duelist there for all time and this was the first time I had dueled him. I won 5 packs of choice and a tourny pack. I beat the tourny, i had came in first on my FIRST tourny. Well we shall see what the next one holds in store for me. See you guys till the next tourny.


Results - Placed 1st out of 16


-Larry Mossburg-