Failsafe deck Sean Markle Chatham Ont

I call my deck a fail safe deck because it does not have one card it relays on but many.

Tribute monsters

1 JINZO ( personal fav one of the most staple there is)

1 summoned skull (good monster but now that I got JINZO only one in my deck)

4 star or under monsters

2x wall of illusion (best defencive effect in the game)

1x witch of the black forest (staple)

1x mystic tomato ( important to get wotbf to the field)

1x cannon solider (get rid of the last few little life points)

2x dark elf ( I don’t mind takeing 1000 for my opponent to take 2000)

1x gearfried the iron knight (no chain destruction)

1x harpies brother ( see above)

1x la ginn ( see above)

1 x 7 colored fish (see above)

3x man eater bugs ( good card)

1x mag o faith ( had to trade other with stuff for jinzo)

1 cyber jar ( nuff said)


1x pot of greed ( staple)

1x sorl (staple)

1x change of heart (very staple)

1x snatch steal (good card)

1x monster reborn (staple)

1x dark hole (staple)

1x raigeki (staple)

1x tribute to the doomed

2x fissure (good card)

1x confiscation (hand distruption)

1x the forceful sentry ( hand destruption)

1x delinquent duo (hand destrupton)

3x mystical space typhoon (another fav of mine)

2x heavy storm (staple)


1x magic drain (good I guess)

1x magic jammer (had 2 but had to trade one in deal for jinzo looking for another)

1x mirror force (staple)

3x trap hole (staple)

it was 5$ entry and winner gets the prize lot there were 8 people there

now on to the deuls …

match 1

me vs guy with good deck

winner : me

this guy has a lot of good cards and knows how to pla them but I had a bit better cards and I won all the deuls. I forget how the went but I think wotbf and a cyber jar beat him. After the deuls I asked if I could look at his deck and I took out a few cards and told him to try it out now. He won the first round out melee with it I belive. Then he got 3 complete set of relinquished!!!! Any waz on to the next deul


match 2

me vs guy with toon deck

winner : me

lets just say this deul remined me why I love mystical space typhoon (destroyed toon world). I beat him because the only attack monsters he had that weren’t toons were red archery girl. After this match he called me names and insulted my deck when I asked if I could make some suggestions. It was weird but I don’t care he’s just a sore loser.

Match 3 (finals)

Me vs exodia deck

Winner: me

Not much to say here but I won. Hes a good duelist but exodia is very riskey but good.

So I won the whole thing and got 25$ store credit I got 4 psv packs and I got red moon bay, sword man beast , noble man of extermination , and mirror wall all of which suck and I bought 2 packs I got dust tornado and summthing else I forget now though


to me winning for like the 5th time in a row

for almost everyone being good and fun to play against

to upper deck for such a good game

to getting JINZO


for kid who was a bad louser

for not real money just store credit

for running out of the new cases

for tradeing a jammer and a mag o faith