Subject: Offenseive Burner 12/1/02 Tourney Report


Name: Pho


Location: California

San Leandro

A world of books


Date: 12/1/02


Fee: 6$


Duelists: About 8-12 (Dun keep Track)


Match 1: Edmon deck beat down I think




Jinzo #7 X3

Cannon soldier X3

Island Turtle X2

Princess of tsurugi X3

Mask of Darkness X3

Cyber Jar


Witch of the Black forest

Wall of illusion

Rainbow Flower

Hayabusa Knight


Tremendous Fire X3

Messenger of peace X2

Noblemen Of exterminationX2

Change of Heart

Swords of Revealing Light


Pot of greed

Snatch Steal


Just deserts X3

Attack and Receive X3

Gravity Bind X3

Magic Drain

Magic Jammer

Cease Fire

Mirror Force


Match 1: Me vs. Edmon

Beat down I think

1st Duel: This match started by me getting Gravity bind and tremendous fire. I got noblemen out to destroy a trap hole he laid out which paved way for my cannon soldier. Then he heavy stormed me then hit me that 1 turn then I just threw out a messenger. Then I laid waste with Jinzo#7 even though there were no equip cards then I threw rainbow flower then it began 900 and turn. I won by reborning a cannon soldier to shoot everything off.


2nd Duel: This match was too him. When I got out a gravity bind I was hitting him. Then he raigekied me then he pulled out a bunch of these little level 3 monsters and started hitting me then I drew no monsters then I lost.


3rd Duel: This Duel was the longest duel I had. I was only hitting him with jinzo #7 and rainbow flower while gravity bind was out. It was slow because I didn’t et out cannon soldiers or just deserts after I pulled 1 just deserts I just keep using my mask of darkness to take them back and reuse them. And that’s basically how I finished him off.


2nd Match: Me vs. Jeff.

???????????????? Deck


1st Duel: First I start by layin a Jinzo face down then He just put a monster facedown then I flip it over to attack directly. I was trying to hit big with just deserts but he only mostly had 2 or 3 monsters. Also that wasn’t so good for my cease fire too. Then he hit me with a cannon soldier badly then won.


2nd Duel: This duel was mines I hit him bigger with Just deserts this time and Jinzo was hitting him for a while. The winning point for me was 2 cyber jars in a row. He flipped over with an attack then I got it back with the spear cretin he automatically destroyed. In the draw I got a sangan and witch so I got 2 monsters with cyber jar again when he played swords. Then a few turns later I got him down to 2000 then I reborned his cannon soldier and had 4 monsters exactly so I won.


3rd Duel: This one went quicker than the other ones. I didn’t get ne thing to block myself. Then He pulled a Jinzo (Android Psycho Shocker on me which I didn’t really expect. He hit me a few times with it then I don’t even remember how it went all I know is I lost.


Aim: Joe Mayo2000


Thanks to all the Duelists at A world of books that make the tourneys fun.

Konichiwa to Geraldine, Nick, Donald, Jeff, Steffon, Serf, Marcus, Alex, Peter, Edmon, and David.