2nd tourny report Previouse decks: Dark magician deck, harpie deck, toon deck, fusion deck. Curent deck name:Blue-eyed relinquished deck. Deck stats: 40 cards. Casual wins 9.9/10 Tourney wins 5/10 ----------------------------DECK MAGIC CARDS:--------------------------- Horn of the unicorn X1 Malevolent Nuzzler X3 De-spell X1 Reborn the monster X1 Darkness approaches X1 Fissure X1 change of heart X1 Dark illusions ritual X1 (to summon relinquisshed) DECK TRAP CARDS: Attack and receive X1 Just desserts X1 Trap hole X1 Gravity bind (I dont know why its in my deck.. I like it!) X1 ---------------------DECK MONSTER CARDS:------------------------- Blue-eyes white dragon X3 Relinquished X1 (bassically turn opposing mon into relinqueses equip card slave! It guards and attacks for relinquished and if it dies, the LP is delt to both of you and relinquish does'nt die.) Big eye X2 (rearange top five cards of your deck in any order) Tainted wisdom X1 (when SWITCHED to defense, shuffle thy deck) Spear cretin X3 (when killed, Both players special summon 1 mon from the grave to the feild no tribs) Mystical elf X1 Man eater bug X1 (when flipped destroy one monster on the feild) Wingweaver X1 (2750 ATK 2 tribs) Trap master X1 (when flipped destroy 1 trap card on opposite feild) Sonic bird X2 (when summoned, take 1 ritual magic card from deck) La jinn X1 (1800 ATK) Labrynth wall X1 (3000 DEF 1 trib) Princess of Tsurugi X1 (when flipped do 500 LP for every M/T card on opposing feild) Bistro butcher X1 (1800 ATK) Sword hunter X1 (2450 ATK 2 tribs, any mon it kills, turn that mon to a +200 ATK mon) Water omotics X1 AND MY FAVOURITE CARD.... TADA!!! Redmoon baby (700/1000. When this card kills a monster, summon that monster onto your side o' the field anyway you like.) ---------------------------END OF DECK-------------------------------- ---------------------------CASUAL DUUEL-------------------------------- (Extra U intended) #1 Me Vs. Andrew: I started off with only my dragons out, Andrew probably lost because of insuperior experience. He got out all these weak monsters. Then he unlocked his prized "judge man". Personnally, I prefer Mr. volcano, but thats just me. I just could'nt feel any real power in his deck. I then used a "Sonic bird" to get the black illusions ritual to my hand. I set it face down on the field, taking advantage on my knoledge of my friends deck. Soon I unleashed my relinquished. I absorbed his mon and blew him away until he used dark hole. Then things got a bit complicated. I re-summoned relinquished with a reborn. Then it died. My friend summoned my relinquished. Then it died. But he only had one monster reborn. And my team of white magic spear cretins halped my relinqu back to my side. I eventually beat him. I think it was 7500 Me 0 him. That was really my only "Duel" with my relinquish deck. I got it after the last tourney. But I feel that I'm only a few strategies away until I become expert. (Nahh... Ill stay Novice.) So, Im lookin for advice, tips, Strategies, reviews. I dunno. My e-mail is justdog11@aol.com. I'll chegit (check it)