Sent: Sunday, December 29, 2002 11:44 PM
Subject: deckout,gamers illusions, ny big bob
                            gamers illusions

  10 $ entry
  prize 1st 50 bucks 3 tourney packs and a booster box
entrants around 55


3 bistro butchers
2 morphing jar #2
1 morphing jar
2 relinquished
2 senjus
2 sonic birds
2 banishers of the light
3 white magical hats
3 hiros shadow  scouts

1 delinquent duo
1 confiscation
1 forceful sentry
1 card destruction
2 black illusion rituals
3 grave keppers servant
1 raigeki
1 change of heart
1 monster reborn
1 dark hole
1 swords
1 pot of greed


2 magic drain
1mirror force
1 magic jammer
3 solmen judgement
1 horn of heaven

for starters yes i said morphing jar it was allot of tradingabout 25 ultras and now for my report

round 1 me vs edgar a hotshot that never won yet

i go first  set morpher 2 and jammer end turn
his turn la jinn attack ha ha we shuffle and i get morfing jar he looses mst and mirror force
my go raigeki play delinquent confiscate and sentry flip morpher no discarding just draw five in it i get a bistro play attack hee draws i activate 2 grave keepers
his move lajinn axe i jam that discard drain so he kill my jar and discards he activates ultimate offering ends her turn his deck was low and i played card destruction then dark hole with offering play two bistros and 3 hats attak with bistros and he decks out i win
winner me 4350-3600(deck out)\

2-3 bye i when got a ps pack got jiinzo and i put it in my book later in deck (i really want imperial order)


me vs chad (exodia)

i quickly beat him  by thrown 3 gravekeepers and a bistro he decked out fast gravekeeper took out the head and its easy to beat exodia  decks when the head is gone


me and matt(a dead out beat down)

tryed to deck him out he would start to hit me but i stoped him in his tracks with banisher of the light and bistro and 3 gobblins oh that was a nice combe i remove half his deck  5 cards left  in his deck and me with 8000lp i thought i won but jinzo stoped my gobblins and bye bistro draw raigeki kill him then my gobbins workin again  another bistro attackhe has no hand and he draws pot he run out of cards on the next turn i had 8000 and HE SHOCKED MY WITH A TWO CARD UPSET yah right I WON kool

my tourney cards 2 parrot dragons  2 spirit of books faith bird stuffed animal takuheedharma cannon and THE MORPHING JAR damn i trade mad cards and now i have two and its restricted ill sell it

props winnin morphin jar 50 bucks

slops box with crap

email me at