Name: Reno Piett Deck: Beatdown Location: Frankfort, KY Store: Moonlight Comics Participants: 16 Date: December 23, 2002 Howdy! This is my first Tourney report, and my fourth tourney. I went with my friend Robert, who runs a Weenie Control deck that I built for him. We combine all of the cards we buy and then build our decks from the pool. Makes it a lot easier on getting the cards we need. Also the touneys at Moonlight are unofficial, but that's okay. Anyway, here is the beatdown deck I am currently running, but it is by NO means complete: ~~~Tribute Monsters (4)~~~ 1 x Jinzo (Buh-bye Mr. Trap) 3 x Summoned Skull (A beatdown must-have) ~~~Normal Monsters (16)~~~ 1 x Jirai Gumo (The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout.....) 1 x Dark Elf (Attack Drizzt!) 1 x La Jinn The Mystical Genie Of The Lamp (Must find more.....) 1 x Harpie's Brother (I pull these like rares) 1 x Gearfried The Iron Knight (Hey, look! It's Kern Desania!) 3 x Dark Zebra (Beatdown filler till more La Jinns/Harpies/Fishies join my task force) 1 x Bistro Butcher (See Dark Zebra) 3 x Darkfire Soldier #1 (See Bistro Butcher) 1 x Invader Of The Throne (Come to me, Mr. Skull.....) 1 x Witch Of The Black Forest (Jinzo detector) 1 x Hayabusa Knight (Double the pleasure, double the fun!) 1 x Man-Eater Bug (MEB+BEWD=light snack :oD) ~~~Magic Cards (15)~~~ 1 x Monster Reborn (And Jinzo comes out for an encore performance.....) 1 x Swords Of Revealing Light (Stalls more than a broke-down engine) 1 x Change Of Heart (I'll take that, and tribute it.....) 1 x Dark Hole (Monsters go down the hooolllle.....) 2 x Malevolent Nuzzler (Sessy lady) 1 x Sword Of Dark Destruction (I need Axes :o| ) 2 x Fissure (Crack is bad for you kids, mmmkay?) 1 x Monster Recovery (Great in a pinch) 1 x The Shallow Grave (Wow! Jinzo gave a DOUBLE encore!) 2 x Nobleman Of Extermination (Trap Hole go bye-bye) 1 x Gravekeeper's Servant (Add in Skull Invitation.....) 1 x Upstart Goblin (1000 LP is nuffin if I draw Jinzo) ~~~Trap Cards (5)~~~ 1 x Seven Tools Of The Bandit (No Mirror Force for you, sorry!) 1 x Trap Hole (It looks dark down there, Mr. Skull. Is it?) 1 x Waboku (Save me, ladies!) 1 x Type Zero Magic Crusher (Burn, baby, burn! Disco inferno!) 1 x Skull Invitation (.....and the fire starts getting hot!) Total Cards (40) I don't have a sidedeck at the moment because no one in my area plays Exodia yet. As soon as I see one, I'll start sidedecking. Anyway, on with the tourney! All but four people at this store are 12 or under that play, and while it makes things annoyingly easy, it's better than no tourneys at all. So I'll stick around here and hope either older, better players start showing up or another store in my area will start holding tourneys. Round 1 Reno vs. Random 12-year old (80+ no strat deck) Sooner or later I'm goina get around to teaching these kids how to build a deck. Till then there is no need to go into great detail about the matches with them. Got out Hayabusa with a Nuzzler in the first turn and started wailing on him soon after. MEB'd the Prevent Rat he summoned, then tributed for Jinzo and smacked him for a couple turns. The duel was over before it really started. Me: 8000 Kid: 8000-2200-0 Second duel was much the same, except with another turn and Skull and a couple Dark Zebras instead. He did throw a Tremendous Fire at me though, so he actually took my LP down a peg. Me: 8000-7000 Kid: 8000-7500-5000-2500-0 Round 2 (Quarterfinals) Reno vs. Random 12-year old (60+ Quasi-Beatdown) Well, this kid was a lil better than the last. That's still not saying a whole lot, but he has potential. Given some more experience and learning how to build a deck, he could become decent competition. Still, he had no chance yet. I set a WotBF, kamikazed her the next turn and found Jinzo, Dark Hole'd the field, then reborned Witch to sac for Jinzo. It was all down hill for him after that. Me: 8000-7400 Kid: 8000-5600-3200-0 Again, much the same as the last duel. No need for the messy details Me: 8000 Kid: 8000-6200-3700-1200-0 Round 3 (Semifinals) Reno vs. Steve, the store owner (Dragon deck) Steve can be pretty stiff competition when his deck starts running right. Unfortunately for me that was exactly what happened this duel. He got the Lord of D./Flute combo in the second turn, and brought out a BEWD and Tri-horn. He had a Jammer or CoH for every way I had to get rid of those ugly lizards. It was lights-out for me within no time. Me: 8000-5000-2000-0 Steve: 8000-7200 I love bad draws. For the other person, that is ;o). Jinzo made an appearence early and I proceded to run through Steve like a freight train. Me: 8000-7000 Steve: 8000-5600-2500-0 I don't remember a whole lot about this duel. I remember he had trouble drawing any monsters, so my La Jinn and Dark Elf whooped up on him for the win. Me: 8000 Steve: 8000-6000-2200-0 Round 4 (Finals) Reno vs. Robert (Weenie Control) Ugh, I knew this would happen. I built his deck to be completely anti-beatdown, so I really have no chance against him. I don't want to go into details, plus the details are a lil hazy (selective memory, heh). Let's just say he handed me my arse quite easily with Gravity Bind and Jinzo #7 both duels. Me: 8000-7500-6300-5100-3400-1700-0 Robert: 8000 Me:8000-???-???-0 Robert: 8000-??? Well, I got second and my friend got first, so we walked out of there with 16 boosters of our choice (10 for first, 6 for second, 3 for third, 1 for fourth), but they didn't have any LOB. It's okay if I didn't win cause my main goal was accomplished this week: My friend and I owned the tourney. And since we pool together our cards it doesn't really matter. I got 4 PSV and 2 MRD packs and pulled crap. He got 4 PSV, 4 MRD, and 2 MRL. He got a Serpent Night Dragon and another Gravity Bind, but that was about all. Oh well, we had fun and he got his third Bind, so it was a successful trip. On to the props and slops. Props: To Moonlight for holding the tourney and giving out great prizes To Robert for winning the tourney To me for getting second To Steve for being good competition To Subway for being right above the store and being so delicious To the 007 Days Of Christmas on TNN! w00t! Go Bond! Slops: To Robert for beating me with my own creation To little kids not knowing how to build decks yet (we'll remedy that soon) To my boosters for being crappy To not having great competition in every match You can contact me at if you want. All rants on beatdowns, vulgar emails, etc. will be deleted on sight, so don't waste your time. Thanks, and may the Swartz be with you!