Subject: Tear ‘em Up! - Jesse Leyva, Comic Book World, Louisville, KY, USA

Tear ‘em Up!

Jesse Leyva

Comic Book World

Louisville, KY, USA

December 21, 2002

I’m not exactly sure how many people participated, but it was probably around 30 (They didn’t give us that much room, but everyone fit into 12 tables.

As many of you probably don’t know (since this is my first time writing one) this was my first tournament. Ok, here is my deck:

Normal Monsters (12):

Lv 4 or under (6):

La Jinn x3- (I like to start off by having a lv 4 with 1800 atk mons out, Good first turn attack)

7 Colored Fish x3- (See above)

P.s. Once I get Harpie’s Brother, it’ll all be complete for this section.

Lv 5-6 (4):

Summoned Skull x3- (the best attacking lv 6 mons (tear ‘em up at a low price).

p.s. all I need is Jinzo, heehee :D

Lv 7+ (2):

Blue Eyes White Dragon x2- (tear ‘em up a high cost)

Effect Mons (6- probably need more, huh?):

Lv 4 or under (6):

Bite Shoes- (Good for high Defense Mons and Low attack mons. Like Labyrinth Wall, plus serves as a substitute until I get a mask of Darkness)

Man-eater Bug x3- (tear ‘em up with no cost)

Cyber Jar- (nice last resort)

Magician of Faith- (bring back Raigeki)

Magic (16):

Dark Hole- (Deck Staple)

Raigeki- (Better Deck Staple)

Sword Of Deep Seated- (need to Replace with Molevolent Nuzzler)

Stop defense- (see Bite Shoes)

Tribute to the Doomed- (great with Monster Reborn)

Snatch Steal- (Good finisher and if you need a tribute)

Change Of Heart- (See Snatch Steal)

Pot Of Greed- (Deck Staple, gets you out of tight spots)

Monster Reborn- (Needs no explanation)

Gravekeeper’s Servant- (nice to prevent opponent from getting all those good cards)

Mystic Space Typhoon- (better than De-spell and Remove Trap)

Black Pendant- (replace it with molevolent nuzzler)

Molevolent Nuzzler x2 (one of the best attack raisers (other than Axe and Horn Of the Unicorn)

Swords Of Revealing Light- (good defense)

Soul Exchange- (Nice Tribute Card)

Traps (9):

Robbin' Globbin- (prevents opponent from using those good cards)

Trap Hole- (every Deck needs at least 1)

Minor Globbin Official- (good for last 3000 life points)

Shift- (MEB, Fissure, TTTD anyone?)

Waboku- (Very weak version of Mirror Force)

Magic Jammer- (Use it on Dark Hole, Raigeki, Change Of Heart, etc.)

Mirror Force- (the mother of all blocks)

Solemn Wishes- (better than Dian Keto, especially with Pot of Greed)

Shadow Of Eyes- (great with man-eaters, cyber jars, and low atk cards)

Total Cards- 43

Most people think this is a beat-down, but to me, it’s not, I like to think of it as a "Destroyer of Cards." I did well the first time. Since there were 5 rounds, I got to the 3rd. My friend Ryan got beat on the first round, sorry, he had a broken spirit the rest of the day.

Before the competition, I faced Ryan and beat him. When I signed up, I got a tournament pack, I got Beautiful Headhuntress, Sky Dragon, and Spirit of the Books (which, by the way, all suck badly). I also saw this kid that had Morphing Jar (the $100 one!). Ok, here are the Duels.

1st Round

Me vs. Cameron

Match 1: What can I say about this guy, it was his first time here also, I started off by playing my usual lv 4 1800 atk mons (I like to call them 1800-4) which was La Jinn, then equipped it with Molevolent Nuzzler. I also set down a soul exchange. He put down a monster in Def. and ended his turn. Then I got my Blue Eyes in the draw phase, I used soul exchange and tributed La Jinn and what turned out to be a Mystical Elf of his. I attacked his LP with Blue Eyes and he only had 4000lp the second turn of the game! He started to develop beads of sweat and pulled out another defense. This time, I got a 7 colored fish in the draw phase and attacked with it, he had a Battle Ox, afterwards I attacked with Blue eyes again! 1000lp left for him. He had to draw the best card for him to win, which he didn’t, he just gave me a solemn look and put down a mons. I attack with both mons of mine and won the first match.

Match 2: The second game made him look like a fool, we were into the 4th or 5th turn (he had 5500lp left, my Summoned Skull attacked) and I played two magics, he then said, "I thought you could only play 1 magic." The person supervising us said that I could. He said he wasn’t used to tournament rules. He put up a lot of defenses and I wasn’t drawing any cards that would help me get rid of his defenses. So my Summoned Skull pretty much kept destroying all of his blocks, until he had no more. Then I attacked and he had 3000 lp left. This was on around the 10th turn and then I finally got a la jinn, I was waiting for the right card to tribute for my BEWD. I finally got my change of heart and tributed his mons. And what can I say, I won.


Intermission: At this point, I was getting thirsty, so I popped in a dollar at the Coke Machines conveniently placed right next to the tables. My friends were also thirsty, so I let them have a little sip of mine. I was talking to this dude and he had Jinzo and Imperial Order, which I wanted both very much. He said he would trade me both for my Raigeki, SoRL, Heavy Storm (which I did not have), and Pot of greed, I wanted to, but my Raigeki and Pot of Greed… no. Next week when I get doubles I am going to trade him though.

2nd Round

Me vs. Art

Match 1: This guy looked like he had a lot of experience under his belt, with a hoarse voice and a lot of good cards. He got me down pretty low, like 3200, he still had 8000. I thought it was over, I drew the one card I needed, my Summoned Skull once again J . He only had 2 Battle Ox and 1 La Jinn. So I ripped through his forces, I finally got my La jinn and tributed him for my other Summoned Skull. So here I am, with my summoned skulls standing proudly side by side. Now he had 3000lp while I still had 3200, once he had a decent monster out, Dark Magician with Horn of the Unicorn (3200atk), I use Man-eater bug, my only summoned skull left made a huge dent in his LP, now he only had 500. Next turn he lost because his Horn of the Unicorn had to be placed on top of his deck. So, I attacked, and on to match 2.

Match 2: This match was the same as last, got me down to 5000ish and I got my Summoned Skulls, all three this time were rippin’ through his forces. He did the same mistake and equipped a card with Horn Of the Unicorn, and the same thing happened.


Intermission: I was watching a couple people play and it turned out Ryan (my friend I mentioned earlier) had gotten a Relinquished. I have one too. I went over the see the cards the store manager had for sale and he had a Jinzo for $40! I will trade instead.

3rd Match

Me vs. I forgot his name

Match 1: Ok, let’s start off by saying that he shuffled really fast, and when he got done I said, "think you can shuffle any faster?" then he said, "Yeah, I can shuffle way faster." Now that we have that out of the way, let’s talk about the d-d-d-d-d-duel. He started off by playing Confiscation and got rid of my Raigeki (OUCH!), then he put out La Jinn, I played La Jinn and the mother flower used trap hole! He kept using Trap Hole and Ah! It annoyed me to death, I managed to get 4000 off his LP until he beat me. Ryan came by the second match and told me he was the guy he had lost to.

Match 2: I already knew I was going to lose, so I decided to try things I had never tried before. It worked actually and I got him down to 1000 but he still kept using his darn traps. I at least did this really good combo- Snatch Steal his BEWD and tribute 2 of my mons to bring out my BEWD, it took him down to 2000lp! The other 1000 were from Confiscation.


After the 3rd Round I decided to hang out a little bit. I dueled the kid with Jinzo and I won. Bought a booster and it had Beast of Talwar in it, I really like that card! It is the best lv 6 fiend in terms of offense and defense balance (I think). I traded my Mystic Space Typhoon for Heavy Storm, and had fun until my dad came, it was fun and I’m going back next week.


-got to the 3rd round, or quarter-finals

-got a Pepsi, which refreshed me

-got a Pharaoh’s Servant Booster with Beast of Talwar

-and got a great deal on Jinzo, which I am going to get next week


-Ryan cried when he was beaten on the first round and said it was a stuffy nose

-the person that beat me was also the finalist who I think one (didn’t stay long enough)

-he was geeky

If you have any questions, or just wanna chat about Yugioh, my email is Jesse Leyva