Rampant Heart
Josh "Sepharo" Bingaman
Cover to Cover
Panama City Beach, FL
Ok, This was my first tourney. My deck theme is simple. Stall until you get a good idea. There were 8 people trying to win. The prizes were as follows: First place-3 tourney 2 packs, Second place-2 Tourney 2 Packs, 3rd place-1 tourney 2 pack. Everyone got a pack upon entry. Now here is my deck.

1x Giant Soldier of Stone
1x Man-eater Bug
1x Serpent Night Dragon
1x Neo the Magic Swordsman
1x Ryu-Ran
1x Crab Turtle
1x Mystical Elf
1x La-jinn
2x Spear Cretin
1x Wall of Illusion
1x Silver Fang(my fave and lucky card)
1x Dark Zebra
1x Girochin Kuwagata
1x Whiptail Crow
1x Sonic Bird
1x Ryu-Kashin Powered
1x Battle Ox
1x Guardian of the Throne Room
1x Giant Rat
2x Labyrinth Wall
1x Summoned Skull

1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
1x Change of Heart
1x Fissure
1x Chorus of Sanctuary
1x Chain Energy
1x Remove Trap
1x Share the Pain
1x Delinquent Duo
1x Soul Release
1x Horn of Light
1x Eternal Rest
1x Turtle Oath
1x Card Destruction
1x Soul Exchange
1x De-spel
1x Upstart Goblin
1x Malevolent Nuzzler

1x Waboku
1x Fairy's Hand Mirror

As u can see it is almost total defence with Crab Turtle, Serpent Night, and Ryu-Ran as the attack squad. The judge(whom was too busy on the comp to watch) annouced who would face who. Before the tourney I faced a guy named Ed. Lots o' rares as his deck. His deck was a Toon Beatdown. I lost. Then i had to face him first in the tourney. How fun!

First Match-Me vs. Ed
Cuz of my horrible memory i can't remember the life point amount. We began. I went first. Being the defence king, I played chours of sanctuary and a Giant Soldier of Rocks in defence mode. Ed just played a magic/trap face down and ended his turn. My field change was messing up his thought process. So it was my turn. I played another monster to defened. his turn he play a monster and attacked my Giant Rock soldier and lost sum lp. My turn was the fun one. Summoned Skull was on the field. He only had his Battle Ox on the field. I attacked. To my surprised is see a KURIBOH in tha grave as I attack. Ed had used Kuriboh's effect on me!! I didn't care. His turn he played Cyber Jar face down. My turn i summoned Crab turtle and attacked. I got all def. monsters. He activated MST and killed my Chorus of sanctuary. He got out his bule eyes ad won this match.

Second Match
This match was mine. Same as above except he didn't get any monster for like 5 turns.

Final Match
I LOST!!! He beat me with his beatdwon monster before i could summon my labyrinth wall.

so i lose and don't get to face anyone. I decide to stay and see the remaining duels. The champion was Steven who looked to be in about high school. he beat one kick in less than 5 minutes. I felt like an outcast cuz everyone had 50+ cards decks. I had the only 40 card deck.(there is a lil more than 40) I wound up having to jude the match with my expertise is the rulings for the cards. I walked away with a LOB booster i bought and a tourney pack. In it was Tawkee, Garoozis, and Stuffed Animal. My LOB booster was a bleak one. No mons with over 1200 attack of defence. However I got a holo Dark Hole and traded it for a Graekeeper Servant. all who think it was a bad trade, I dun care i just didn't want tha card. So Next week i hop to whoop sum butt with my Rampant Heart Deck. talk about fun!!

-Steve for winning
-Me for geting gravekeeper's servent

-Ed for beating me with a Toon Summoned Skull!!!!

contact at-Sepharp148@hotmail.com
btw this is Josh for people who do not read tha headings.