Subject: Eliminator Stormwatch Ottawa Ont. August 4
Allright Folks, here it is, the first one for sanctioned tournaments of this quarter.  So, scores are reset.  Now, A quarter is every three months.  So, this quarter will end at the end of Octobre.
Okay, not as big as last weekend, but, still big as always.  THere was only three sheets, so, I'll calculate the total later. 

Anyways, My deck
Creatures = 25
2 Summoned Skull
3 Jirai Gumos
2 Dark Elf (one more than last time)
3 La Jinn
3 7 Coloured fishes
2 Cannon Soldiers (added both)
3 Masked Sorcerer
2 Sangans
2 Witch of the Black Forest
3 Man-Eater Bugs
Magics = 16
1 Raigeki
1 Dark Hole
1 Change of Heart
1 Monster Reborn
1 Pot of Greed
3 Fissure
1 Swords of Revealing Light
2 Card Destruction
2 Heavy Storm
2 Shield and Sword
1 Tribute To The Doomed
Traps = 5
3 Trap Hole
1 Mirror Force
1 Solemn Judgment
Creatures to Magic/traps ratio:  25:21
Okay, so new things since the last deck.  Well, I took out the Magic Jammer.  I also was thinking of taking out the Tribute To the Doomed, but, it eventually stayed.  The reason: They do not promote card advantage.  Now, sure, they are good, and theopretically, most people like Magic Jammer the best.  Well, I don't.  Its two cards for taking out one.  Solemn Judgment and 7 Tools are way better.  A one-for-one Ratio, and so you use some life points.  Solemn Judgment counters anything.  And 7 Tools are meant for more nasty traps later on, and to win in countertrap wars.
Now, Tribute to the Doomed is harder to take out, since it is creature destruction, and pinpoint accuracy as well. 
Now, what I went and looked for last night, the answer to a question.
Set Monsters, if they have a flip effect, WHEN destroyed by a card, do not activate the flip.  Sangans still activate when they HIT the graveyard FROM the field, but Flip Effects can only be done if attacked, or the cards' effect says they activate when flipped, or they are meerly Flip-Summoned.
Thank You Edo.
Anyways, on to more of deck mechanics first.  The Tribute stayed, the Magic Jammer went into a makeshift sideboard.  Okay, Sideboards have to be 15 cards.  So, I had some good cards, and then some cards just thrown in, just to fill the spaces.
Sideboard = 15
2 Magicians (they are here, and just looking pretty, as far as I am concerned)
2 SOUL RELEASES (MAN, these things are so useful AGAINST Masks of Darkness and Magicians of Faith.  Now THIS is a good sideboard card.  If played at the right time, can SEVERELY limit your opponents options.)
1 Magic Jammer = oh why not, I might find a use for it, but not in this deck.  I am thinking of throwing in another Solemnt Judgment actually, but that is debatable.
1 Horn of Heaven = Oooohhhhh, its like a Magic Jammer, but it doesn't let the creature hit the field.  This card is useful for taking out Sangans and Witches, especially in Exodia deckls.  But otherwise, just like a Jammer, its okay, if you can use it, but, meh, TTtDoomed is better.
2 Stop Defense = The thing that my deck hates most is defenders, and yet, I never side these cards in.
Also, a Princess of Tsurugi, a Waboku, and some other junk.
the only card I went for though was Soul Release. 
Now, hmm, this was a fun day.  Get there, and remember that the owner is on vacation with his fiancee.  So, it will get a bit chaotic, but, well, many of the people are already registered, so, it doesn't matter as much.
Now, get signed up, and they are putting the names into the sheets right when you sign up, so, you immediately get to KNOW who your opponent is. 
Anyways, I find out I am Dueling, Justin.  just a wee lad, who won't be there next week.  And he immediately starts dreading, and this guy Patrick, ahead of both of us, is in the same bracket (side of the sheet) as us.  And he lucked out and got to Duel Adam's girlfriend, who is a novice player, but at least she isn't that young, and knows the rules.  Same with Justin.
Anyways, I also start saying that I can be taken down, it won't be easy, but, no duelist is unbeatable, if you start thinking one is when you go up against them, you can make yourself lose.  Subconciously, but, its takeing a negative or realistic approach when you should be hoping.  Sure, I am good, but, I can be beaten.  Only one match, and several Duels in the tournament so far, but still, I know that I can lose, and can say that I can be taken down.
Hmm, I also forgot to bring a log book with me, but oh well.  Thats okay, I still have the scores.
Anyways, not as chaotic, as I was one of the first people to get signed up.  So, I decided to try out Vanilla Coke.  As I am a Pepsi fan, I didn't mind it at all.  In fact, I rather liked it. 
Okay, it is a nice drink.  The only good Coke product in my opinion, but then coke drinkers and pepsi drinkers both had conflicting tastes over it.  My opinion of it, its more of a sensual taste, probably designed more to targetting women, but, hey, its good.
So, then the tournament starts. 
Single Elimination (so basically, you lose, your out)
Match ONE vs. Justin
Duel One
Justin = 8000 - 6900 - 4900 - 700 - 0
Jacob/Stormwatch(ME) = 8000 - 4000
OKay, simplistic match.  Basically, I lost half my life points (to Jirai I think).  He first got hit with a Witch, then he blocked with something, which died to a La Jinn I think.  Then he got hit with the La Jinn and the Jirai Gumo.  Simple.  He put forth one creature to the field.  He has too many sacrificing for creatures which STALL your deck.  They go to waste in your hand.  Oh, and the 2000 damage I think was from the Witch and a Masked Sorcerer.  which was then Dark Holed if I am not mistaken.  But Masked Sorcerer payed for itself already, and Witch payed for herself when she hit the graveyard, so I was still at full Capacity.
Duel Two
Justin = 8000 - 7500 - 5700 - 1700 - 0
Jacob/SW(me) = 8000 - 7000 - 3500
Hmmm, I totally forget this match except that I started with a Heavy Storm as well as a Raigeki.  So, I didn't mind.  And I think I used Solemn Judgment, to kill a creature that was trying to be Set.
So, going on to the next Match, I face Cody.
Match TWO
Duel One
Cody = 8000 - 6800 - 3000 - 0
Jacob/SW(me) - 8000 - 7800 - 6800 - 5800
Okay, he used Prevent Rats, which can as walls, they can cripple speed.  But, when I was waiting for a card to get through them, I attacked the face down ones with Sangan.  Hey, it gets them out into the open to be Fissured or Shield and Sworded, or what not, plus, I know what it is.
Duel Two
Cody = 8000 - 9000 - 8200 - 6850 - 6650 - 3350 - 0
Jacob/SW(me) - 8000 - 5700 - 5500 - 5300 - 3950 - 2950 - 2450
Cody had an okay deck, I think.  He used La Jinn, Kojicocy, and Butcher, and some stuff like that.  But not really anthing to fear besides a La Jinn with the Sword of Dark Destruction on it.  Although, it fell Victim to A Cannon Soldier that was summoned AFTER I used Shield and Sword.  But, he hit me with the Bistro Butcher.  WHY?  Cause I WANTED two more cards. 
And you know what, That was a great move on my part.  Yes, taking damage, from a Bistro Butcher, just to draw to more cards.  I also had a Sangan which got killed by the Kojicocy, so, I got three cards. 
Now why was it a great move on my part.  Well, I had already used my Heavy Storm.  and I had the Fissure for the Kojicocy, and Shield and Sword for the Bistro.  Well, drawing three cards.  Thats good, but what else did it do.  Hmmm, well, lets go on to the rest of the match.
Here is what stalled me.  He had a Prevent Rat, and then soon, a mystical Elf as well.  and I couldn't get through it.  So, I just build a force, a small one, but still a force, and I know I need some kind of Removal.  Any kind.  Well, I get a trap Hole.  Now, have you been counting.  That is Four magic/traps so far.  And the rest is creatures.  So what happens, I get instead of the Raigeki or a Dark Hole, I get Jirai Gumo.  And that is All I need to shatter his defenses.
So I won, but, I was stalled.  And took damage purposely, to draw cards, which helped me, A LOT.
Now, well, I am done those two matches, and in excellent time.  some first matches are still being held, and many second matches.  Okay, I am one of the first people done both.  So I am outside, and am waiting, for the next Match, Patrick And Cole are facing off right beside me, and I had to battle the winner. 
Chris Wright was having trouble against a wee lad, Go him, whoever the lad is.  Chris plays Exodia.  And the kid finally lost, but, he definitely made Chris W. fight for it.  Sothy lost to Daniel First Round.  Eventually.  and then Daniel and Chris W. faced off.  So, that would take some time. 
Anyways, Cole won, not that much of a surprise, and so I was up against him.  We both know eachothers decks off by heart, and know what is good against either.  And how to go against his creatures.  Now, I know my deck is week to Cole's defenders, which can stall me, and clinch him the win.  The only two things that he really attacks me with are Summoned Skull and Princess of Tsurugi.  He just added a Dark Elf to his deck, to get a bit more of an attacker.  so it was that, and Shield and Sword.  His decks weakenss is an overwhelming an attack, which my deck can do. 
Match THREE (battling for this half of the page)
Duel One
Cole - 8000 - 6000 - 4400 - 3800 - 1350 - 350 - 0
Jacob/SW(me) - 8000 - 7000 - 6000 - 4900
Okay, pure beatdown here.  My deck went into full gear in this duel, and, he suddenly found himself losing lifepoints fast.
Duel Two
Cole - 8000 - 6200 - 3100 - 1700 - 800 - 0
Jacob/SW(me) - 8000 - 7400 - 4900 - 2400 - 1600 - 1300 - 1000 - 500 - 300
Man, this was a weird one.  And as you can see, it was close.  Okay, basically, I attack with everything and anything.  But, well, there are two big things that happened in this match.
First off, he sideboarded out his Acid Trap Hole, and I sided out two Trap Holes.  And I sent in Two Soul Releases.  So I had one Trap Hole in my deck.  Now, I know Trap Hole didn't work that well against his deck.  Okay, it can take out Summoned Skull, the Sangans and Witches, and his Dark Elf, thats it.
Now, I played Trap Hole.  This was a bad move, since this is when he used Princess and he me down to 500.  I attaced one of his walls with La Jinn.  and dropped myself down to 300.  Now, something happened, but I'm not sure how the creatures where wiped off the field, although I think it was Dark Hole.
My Error: Using a Mirror Force on his attacking Witch when I should have trap Holed. 
Now, he also plays with Kuribohs, 3 of them.  And I'm at 300 Life.  I've got Trap Hole and Masked Sorcerer on the field.  So, he Fissures my Sorcerer.  And ends his turn, after pulling a creautre cause of the Witch.
So, I figure, it should be a Kuriboh, to add insult to injury, and he kill me with it.  But, what did I get, I got a Witch my next card. 
So, with My Trap Hole being the only card on the field, I attacked him with my Witch.  Note, he was at 800.  Now, he then showed me that he had Princess.  One more turn and I would be dead.  And we would hvae had to moved on to the third Duel.  And, I wasn't surprised that he went for it.  I figured he would have gone for the Kuriboh, cause it had a double function.  Save him for a turn, and could kill me if I didn't play a creature.  But, with Princess, he wanted the kill. 
So, that is just a moment that you should know about.
Anyways, for the holder of the page.  The champion of this page, it was me versus Jason.  Keep in mind that there are Three Pages in Total.  And the rankings on the official Tournaments, don't give points (yet, hopefully) for other duels above them, aka, for the Semi-Finals, Round Robin, or Finals. 
So Match Four vs. Jason
Duel One
Jason = 8000 - 6200 - 4200 - 1300 - 0
Jacob/SW(me) = 8000 - 4400 - 3400 - 3200
Okay, well, hmm, don't remember how this Duel went.  I killed him, but, well, I know I went with some Jirais and stuff, won the flips, and Dark Elf attacked once.  Otherwise, I am not too sure.
Duel Two
Jason = 8000 - 6000 - 4900 - 3100 - 1300
Jacob/SW(me) = 8000 - 7100 - 3050 - 2850 - 750 - 0
I hate walls.  This deck flopped and Jason killed me.  Oh well.  Defenders with Shield and Sword hurt.  Same with Summoned Skull.  So, I lost this one.  So we are tied one-one.
Duel Three
Jason = 8000 - 9000 - 7100 - 3100 - 1550 - 0
Jacob/SW(me) = 8000 - 7550 - 6050
Hmmm, lost One Duel so far, but Jason is tough.  He can hold his own, and the start of this duel, well, it was at a standoff for a bit.  And, with Jason winning a Duel to me, this was good.  He is impoving, and this is good.  He is getting there.  And you have to use your head against him.
Okay, so I'm the Champion of my page.  Oh well, there are three pages.  Which means, well, the three winners of each Page have to play some Round Robin.  Basically, each person has to battle the other two, and the best of them all, well, that is declared the winner, or everyone has to do it over again.  (everyone by us three).
So, basically, its Chris Fortin vs. Ben first, I'm Judging.
Chris F. = 8000 - 7000 - 4800 - 2900 - 200
Ben = 8000 - 5800 - 3600 - 1800 - 0
Well, see, it went into stalls, it got real close, but, some mistakes where made on both sides, Chris won, after setting on the brink of defeat.
Duel Two of Chris F. vs. Ben
Chris F. = 8000 - 5300
Ben = 8000 - 4000 - 2000 - 0
Okay, Ben got out a Blue-Eyes and a Summoned Skull, but both where killed.  Then Ben's deck couldn't keep back Chris's attackers, so, he lost.
Next Match is Me versus Ben.
Ben = 8000 - 6600 - 3800 - 2800 - 900 - 0
Jacob/SW(me) = 8000 - 4000
I solemn Judged one Set creature.  I won all three Jirai Flips.  it wasn't much of a contest, unfortunately.
Duel Two of Jacob/SW(me) vs. Ben
Ben = 8000 - 6900 - 2500 - 0
Jacob/SW(me) - 8000 - 6200
Hmmm, well, Ben has gotten better, although this is the first time I have faced him.  Hmmm, well, I know he had the Harpy Lady combo in the deck, plus Blue-Eyes, and Summoned Skull.  So that put him at a disadvantage.  I got Two Summoned Skulls, which is fine by me.  Hence, again, why too many sacrificing for creatures can kill you, and how combos can backfire.  All he needed was an Elegant Egotist.
But, I must say, I did get into a Rules Jaunt with him.  He layed a Ring of Magnetism on his Face Down Creature.  Now, I didn't think this could actually happen.  Ben argued, and Chris sided with him, but Chris at least wanted to see if it was in the Rule Book.
It was, I was right.  and, he tried putting it back in his hand, but it was placed on the field, and so, it went to the graveyard.  Okay, maybe thatwas being a little sticky, but, this guy didn't like me cutting his deck, and looked at the bottom halves when he cut mine.  You only need to pick up half, and set it beside.  Not pick up the Whole deck and cut it in front of your face.  That, and shuffling under the table and keeping ones hand below the table is a Big No-No with me.  And he did it repeatedly.  So I didn't give him any slack.
Anyways, so me and Chris both beat Ben.  So, it was are match, we could have done it before, but we both wanted a rest. 
So, we are going to Duel, in the Finals, again.  Third week in a row.  Sheesh, what luck.  Anyways, here is how it is.
Last Match of Round Robin Finals.
Duel One
Chris F. = 8000 - 6000 - 4000 - 1800 - 0
Jacob/SW(me) = 8000 - 4000 - 3000
So, hmmm, Jirai and Dark Elf did some attacking here, but moreso Jirai Gumo.  What my deck is supposed to do, be fast and dangerous.  This was more of the big guns.  I'd love to write more, but, some matches are simple and direct. 
Duel Two
Chris F. = 8000 - 4000 - 2000 - 1000 - 0
Jacob/SW(me) = 8000 - 6600 - 5600 - 3800
Hmm, this I do believe was a bit more of an interesting match.  Some creature interaction, a bit of dancing by the demons.  And, well, I then did an odd move.  I played a Cannon Soldier, with a Witch and a Masked Sorcerer.  Well, I attacked with all three.  Now, as I live a block away from Chris, I know his deck fairly well.  Something I noticed consciouly last night, was that he had no defenders, yet, he would put things routinely into Set position (defense mode) Now, this is what it is.  The only thing that a Masked Sorcerer couldn't take out, was a Witch in Defense position.  That, is the only thing.  So, if he plays something in Set position, my Cannon Soldier can nail it.  And then the Witch and the Masked Sorcerer attacked Directly, and then were sacked, bringing him to 1000.
Now, usually, Cannon Soldier is played to kill the opponent, but I didn't, only a thousand off.  He fissured my Cannon the next turn and attacked with an 1800.
After that, I just had to deal him 1000 damage.  I'm not sure with what I killed him, but he ended up dead, and that was the last damage I took.
Hmmm, so, again, I am the Champion.  Rather interesting.  5th time in a row.
Half the time, I'm not quite sure as to what to make of it.  Although, I know I love the thrill of the challenge.
"The harder the challenge, the sweeter the win." 
Now, with the tournaments being sanctioned.  It can get even more interesting.  That and with the rumours abounding of the Magic Ruler set.  Now, as the list has not yet been put into the Tournament Duelists rankings.  I am not sure if it was due to that Kathy was doing the Tournament this week, and had to fill out extra information, and track down kids who need their parents signature.  That and Postal Codes.
Or, Upperdeck is having trouble with their website.  I am not sure which.
As is, there is, for my Region, aka Canada (who would have thought that all of Canada would be a Region, it seems more logical to break up the Provinces) is back up, for the begining of the 4th Quarter, yet, it seems that it is now the Third Quarter. 
Now this is very odd indeed, since I seem to remember that is was supposed to be the 4th quarter at August 1st.
Now, there is two explainations for this.
One, Upperdeck has decided to make this the third Quarter, and then there would be (hypothetically) the fourth quarter starting at the begining of November, when Pharoah's Servant is going to come out.  Now, IF this is how it will happen, it is a logical guess that there would be some large tournaments at the end of the 4th quarter.
Or TWO, and this is what I am more leaning towards, is that the Upperdeck Entertainment website goes back into its default settings.  The facts that support this theort are: The disappearances of the FAQ list, when, it wasn't there when the site opened; The FAQ questions email link, has vanished more than a few times, yet seems to go back every now and then, this can be seen (when it is there) at the bottom of the FAQ list; the Tournament locator, which is note an original for the site, and so, it gets lost, until the site gets rebooted with its new settings.
I would lean more towards the latter, although, I wouldn't mind the former coming into being, but, it would more just be a rumour.  As it is currently, wonderings about Upperdeck are concerned.  Some negatively, some positively.
I will go more with, they can do pretty good on this continent, but, there can be a vast margin of improvement.
For Example, there is a big tournament in Ottawa, on August 25th, there will be about 200 to 300 people, estimated currently.  Now, it is sanctioned, Upperdeck has agreed to that, but they have not agreed to giving out prizes. 
Now, how this would work, it would be a big event, where enough people can make a jump in their ranks.  But, if that is the only way, they might not think of going.  There in, there will be less people, and as such, there won't be as much in the way of sales made at the tournament.  Sales as in Yu-Gi Oh sales.  Sales at tournaments is a big way to make cash, promote your product, among other stuff.  Upperdeck could have given the prizes, and say, it was several boxes or coupons for boxes, of Metal Raiders or Magic Ruler.  They would sell, with that many people, about anywhere between 25 Plus boxes can be sold.  And as it is held at the SUper Ex, it can get people who are just walkiing by, possibly interested to buy, but interested enough to look.
Now, why this is in my Tournament Report, goes more to how the Rankings work.  One, it is information.  Two, it is going to explain some of the dynamics on how this works.
Now, from my observations, It seems that there is only 222 points awarded to the winner of a tournament.  That is one sheet.  Which seems odd, as I have gone past the sheet, and I do not believe I am the only one. 
There was the Round Robin Finals this week.  Next week, there should be a Top eight playoff, as Upperdeck sends more tournament booster packs (the shipment for sunday arrives this tuesday, how odd, and slow, yet not that surprising.  And everyone who paid, is on a list, and will get their pack.)
But, with the automatic 1000 that EVERYONE starts with.  There is only 222 points for the winner each week, which means, that the continual winners will keep racking up the points, even if they play more games then they need to.  And the others, will make up through getting so far this week, further the next, and their points will rise every week or so.
Now, the only way to Catch up, or Get ahead of the other leaders, is by going to several tournaments a week, and getting even an okay finish, for each one, can give you more points then a tournament champion, who only plays once a week.
So, those, with not as many tournaments to access, will be at a disadvantage.  And, as with, in theory, this last tournament, well, there would be Three champions at the 222 score.  Just for this one Tournament.  As I can't verify at this moment.  But, in the last four days, there is 18 people who have WON a tournament.  Now, if this is correct, I will put this in my next Tournament Report.  I will put the listings and such.
ANyways, that is enough current discussion on the Tournament and Upperdeck dynamics.  There is theories, and educated guesses, but nothing totally hard fact as of yet.
Now, with no scores to help out, I will post my deck again, explain any adjustments I might make, and then, be back next week.
the late-game tune-ups
Creatures = 25
2 Summoned Skull
3 Jirai Gumos
2 Dark Elf (one more than last time)
3 La Jinn
3 7 Coloured fishes
2 Cannon Soldiers (added both)
3 Masked Sorcerer
2 Sangans
2 Witch of the Black Forest
3 Man-Eater Bugs
Magics = 16
1 Raigeki
1 Dark Hole
1 Change of Heart
1 Monster Reborn
1 Pot of Greed
3 Fissure
1 Swords of Revealing Light
2 Card Destruction
2 Heavy Storm
2 Shield and Sword
1 Tribute To The Doomed
Traps = 5
3 Trap Hole
1 Mirror Force
1 Solemn Judgment
Creatures to Magic/traps ratio:  25:21
Now, this is fast, and tricky.  Its creature destructions, not counting creatures or Shield and Sword, is 12.  THat is also not including Swords of Revealing Light or Mirror Force.
Now, that is just above a quarter of the deck.  And their might be room for more, as I picked up another Tribute to the Doomed, through the Card Binder.  That among other things.  Now, with this deck, having only 2 Sacrificing for creatures, I severly limit the chances of me drawing both, and not being able to play them.  The thing with that, is that, it can still stall from lack of magic.  Lack of Magic, although more generalized, creature destruction I seem to always be hunting for more(within my deck, during the game). 
Now this is a Question one must wonder about.  One of the reasons why their is two Shield and Swords in my deck.  They can kill Elves, Skulls, and the like.  But, still, you can be recurrently wanting more creature destruction.  Which is a key aspect.
This is something that requires a lot of thought.  So, I'll do some adjustment reasons next week.  For how it worked out, and what adjustments might be made.
Hope you enjoyed the Report.
Jacob Woloshin aka Stormwatch
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