John Plaisance Originality Has Been There All Along Originality has been a big discussion topic recently so I thought that I would express my feeligs on the subject. I play with a deck that runs Dark Paladin, Dark Magician, DM Knight, and various cards that resemble cards that have appeared in Yugi's deck at one time or another. life was going great when suddenly a kid accused me of using a cookie cutter deck. Paralyzed by shock, I said nothing as he walked off. When I got home I took a close look at my deck and realized that the kid was half right. The deck included many cards that were found in Yugi's deck, but as I moved my thumb, I saw a card that a friend had given me, Question! And another, Tsukuyomi! Those cards have pulled my rear out of the fire countless times, and I was glad that I had them, and that's when it dawned on me. I was what made my deck original! What I put into my deck was an extension of myself and my personality, Question's unpredictability, and Tsukuyomi's reliability, were what set my deck apart from Yugi's. So I say to you, all readers of this article, origionality has been there all along because even if you give two players the same deck and ask them to duel, you will most likely see a huge noticeable difference in strategy and card combos because no matter what the deck is, its ultimately the player that determines originality, oh and on a side note, put whatever card you want in your deck and if someone says that your deck is cookie cutter, and he lost becaues its been over abused, etc., reply with something like, "Well my 'type' of deck has been around for (blank) months so you should have been prepared for it, and by the way, it was a good match and I hope that we meet again." Well that's my point of view, if you agree/disagree Email me at , oh and my name is John ///_^