The Sacred Chaos ---------- Original Message ---------------------------------- From: Chris Cook Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2005 16:54:59 -0500 Subject: The Sacred Chaos (cards explained in depth) Regionals 2005 (This deck was not yet played in regionals, this is the deck i am currently Building for the upcoming regionals) Deck Name: The Sacred Chaos Main Deck: 40 Cards Monsters x 17 Black Luster Soldier-Envoy of the Beggining Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys Jinzo Reflect Bounder Blade Knight Magician of Faith x 2 D.D. Warrior Lady Zombrya the Dark Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer Don Zaloog Cyber Jar Tribe Infecting Virus Twin-Headed Behemoth Injection Fairy Lily Hand of Nephthys Sinister Serpent Spells x 16 Mystical Space Typhoon Scape Goat x 3 Creature Swap Snatch Steal Heavy Storm Book of Moon x 2 Pot of Greed Smashing Ground Lightning Vortex Metamorphasis Swords of Revealing Light Nobleman of Crossout Premature Burial Traps x 7 Call of the Haunted Bottomless Trap Hole Phoenix Wing Wind Blast Ring of Destruction Magic Drain Torrential Tribute Raigeki Break Side Deck x 15 Mobius the Frost Monarch Exiled Force Mage Power Vampire Lord Gemini Elf Night Assailant x 2 Interdimensional Matter Transporter x 2 Mask of Darkness Emergency Provisions Phoenix Wing Wind Blast Berserk Gorilla Exile of the Wicked This is the Deck I played the past saturday 3/19/05 and took first with, the deck ran 6-0 only loosing one match in the finals (making the finals match a 2-1 win). 3 rounds swiss, top 8 go to finals. There was a few matches against little kids, so those really don't test it out. But the finals were good. Beat one of the best kids in the store with ease (finals). In depth Deck analysis. Ok this deck ran really smooth, never let me down once, the one match i lost was a close one 400 life points (me), 600 life points for my opponent. He plays swords, sets a monster and i can't do anything, he flips fiber and attack with exiled force for game. If you noticed I am working on the post ban list (April 1st). Which made winning that much better. Card Specifics: Ok you may be looking at some of my card choices, and saying to Well heres the explanation. And I am not going to do them all some are just common sence. Zombrya the Dark, ok this cards accredidation goes to JAELOVE from pojo. This card owns many cards (Berserk, Blade Knight, Vampire Lord, etc) It does loose attack but its use it for taking control of the field by taking out something such as a vampire lord, and leaving my opponent next turn with nothing to snatch steal and attack me for game with. Another combo soon to go into this deck since I am currently working on my deck and side deck, is believe it or not Deck Devistation Virus (I will explain this one later). But Zombrya runs great with it, plus its chaos fodder and a level 4 DARK warrior. Don Zaloog, simply every deck needs some hand control in it, he is a Dark with pretty good effect. If you know how to properly use this card then he can be a god. He won me the final match this past weekend by getting my opponents Black Luster Soldier-Envoy of the beggining. Plus he draws my opponents good cards out for some of my traps, etc.. Cyber Jar, ok more than likely only the more experienced duelists would question this card, just cause of the fact that this card requires a lot of luck, Well combo this card with Bottomless Trap Hole and you really leave a hurting on your opponent (bottomless trap hole gets all the monster summoned this way, it doesn't specifically designate.....wink wink) And he is more so my last resort. The Hand of Nephthys, tried to run three but over burdened. Simply there are many combos in this deck to bring out Nephthys very fast, which early or even late in the game lays one hell of a hurting on your opponent. This combos with Twin headed Behemoth and scape goat. Injection Fairy Lily, ok a few years ago this card was a GOD, everyone played one. Now no one will even lay hands on it. At least were I play. This card won me most of my duels, it is just a great field controler. Plus currently with fiber jar she can really hurt your opponent when the little *&^*ing newb thinks he just pulled off a free shot. That one you might have to think about for a minute. ---- Scapegoat, ok you might be question the fact that i have three in here. Well this card has saved my ass on so many occasions and stalled it just long enough for me to make a come back so often my friends are starting to hate it. Plus as I said earlier, its great with the Hand of Nephthys. Book of Moon, This one i run in doubles for the fact that its versatility is superior. One of Nephthys's weaknesses is attack, and with the upcoming united we stand back as well as mage power stickin in there something needs to keep my little human handed Phoenix safe. Plus its many MANY other uses. ---- Magic Drain, great GREAT card. Kills the pot of greed, or anything. Say you have the field with BLS out and theres nothing else at all on the field or in anyones hand and your opponent draws a snatch steal.... yea no further explanation. Phoenix Wing Wind Blast, seriously try out one of these cards. Another HIGHLY versitile card. It just runs great. ok thats it for now you can email me at, i would love to hear from any of you fellow duelists out there, cause i am working twords getting an invite to nationals. You can also AIM me at Necro Battousai.