Do cookie cutters hate yugioh? No! -Beaver Man ---------- Original Message ---------------------------------- From: Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2005 04:03:38 EST TGFS! Thank God for Sean! Chaos decks have lost all respect. I am in a very similar situation to you. I run a Chaos/Warrior deck in my tournaments, but for fun I play a kind of Skull Lair/Gren Maju de Eiza deck and a Dragon Deck. I think that when people realize that something works, it is easy to criticize them. It is easy for people who have great authority to push their perspective over the masses. It is easy to tell them that "some people think of Yugioh as a sport, not a game." It is easy to say that "people who use chaos are kids who don't really know how to play. Upperdeck never created a card without knowing what they were doing. People love to think that their protests have worked, when the only reason the ban list exists is so Upperdeck can sell more cards. Such cases have been illustrated in common media, such as the movie Antz to great works of literature, like 1984 and Animal Farm. People are heavily possessed with fear of the destruction of the game, and as a result, are frenzied. So much hate has been stirred for "cookie-cutters." In Animal Farm the pigs used humans as a symbol of hate and outlet of anger and frustration, while using themselves as outlets for love and affection. Certain people who will remain unnamed are doing similar things. "Cookie-Cutters" are portrayed as children with no real skill or cocky kids who would do anything to win. These "people" portray themselves as noble knights standing up to waves of sameness. But the opposite is true. It is those who stand up for chaos and every card's right to be used who are the true lovers of the game. How could such hypocrisy be tolerated? It is they who are saying some cards should never be used. It is them who are condemning cards to binders. How could you love Yugioh when you protest its most valuable cards? I am honestly inspired by players like Sean who stand up against waves of hatred for what they believe in. Maybe after reading this, you will stop and think about what you are doing. If you are high-shool educated, surely you have read 1984. I am certain you questioned how such masses could lose their human nature and blindly follow their leaders like sheep to the slaughter. Readers of 1984 are commonly arrogant enough to think that doublethink and mass hypnosis are not used in their society, only in Stalinist Communism and Nazi Dictatorships. They are wrong. Step back, let go of your hatred, and compare yourself to the mobs. Do you want to be a part of the masses? Do you want to be an empty body? Think. You can AIM me at DeliciousBass0. Thank You. BTW, I would love to thank the Card of the Day raters for being so fair to each and every card that crosses their desk. Each card deserves a chance. I would appreciate it if you posted my argument. I think that the wave of anti-cookie cutters has grown very strong. Let us fight back.