Blade Knight-the Real Deal From: Everywhere I go, I see two opinions of Blade Knight. I find it extremely difficult to believe anyone involved enough in yugioh to be reading this article, but if you fit this description, then just for you, ill describe blade knight. 4-star, light, warrior, if you have one or less cards on your hand and blade knight on the field, blade knight gets 400 extra ATK, and if blade knights the only monster on your side of the field, negate the flip effect of monsters it destroys. Now, there seem to be two opinions. Half the people I know rate this guy as like the fourth god card. The other half call it an overrated piece of crap. You’re both wrong. Blade Knight IS a good monster. It is NOT a Chaos Emperor Dragon-level monster. Being light gives support to chaos, 4-star is acceptable, warrior gives it a crudload of support, 1600 ATK is good for a 4-star, and both effects are good but not great. He doesn’t go into any deck, but he’ll be a staple in warrior and chaos decks, and will work reasonably well in beatdown and control. The 400 ATK boost is good, especially in advanced format. The second effect wont be too helpful in warrior decks(blade knight’s main home), because warriors rely on having multiple monsters out. That does it for my tip. I have 2 blade knights in my warrior deck, one in my chaos deck. It’s a good monster, so don’t bash it. But I don’t ever want to see three of them in an armed dragon deck again. Comments? Questions? My email is and my AIM screenname is NazGul0010. I’m not one of those people that says "No hatemail please". I love reading that stuff. I’m also willing to answer specific questions and do deck designs for you(I have no life). Until next time-Sean