Two Part Tip-Stop Complaining and More About Originality by RDuelistBo
    Greetings to whomever may be reading my article. This is Bo back with another thought out article. In the past two months I must have received over 35 e-mails about my articles. I got ones from Canada, England, South America, and even a thought out one from a husband and father (Thanks for that letter by the way). Tonight, sitting here at my computer waiting for Smackdown to start, I try and think of a good topic for an article, and after a lot of brain storming, I came up with one. In my newest article, I will sort of rant about how much complaining people are doing (kinda redundant ain't it) and teach you guys and gals a little bit more about originality in this game.
    First off, I will set all those little naggers (as in people who nag) straight so they'll stop crying over stuff they don't like. People, no one cares how cheap you think a Chaos Deck is, some people think they're cheap, others don't, we know both sides of the story, so put a lid on it. I for one like Chaos Decks (no I don't have one, I recently built a beast trample deck) but if you ever had to step up to make a good deck, you know how hard it is. Just because they get CED out doesn't mean they'll win, they still have to capitalize on it. Another thing, people need to be silent about, the ban list. We know the good, we know the bad, you take them both and there you have, The Ban List. The ban list was created to help little kids get started in this game, and to stop the Chaos Decks, since the top eight players in the world used them. Okay, I'm done complaining, haha, now I will discuss a little bit about originality.
    People, originality is the key to keeping this game alive as I've stated before. Just because control and scientist decks will run rampant doesn't mean we can't have fun. There is a two card combo that can wipe a scientist deck clean if you go first (Offerings to the Doomed+Disappear). As soon as scientist hits the field used Offerings to the Doomed to kill him since it's quick play, then use Disappear when he's in the grave to keep him out of play. Both those cards are common so they shouldn't be hard to get. They can't use Return from the different Dimension because it would cost too much, and they can't use Dimension Fusion because it costs a lot too. One kid at pojo posts (I forget his name) questioned if there could be any originality in Yu-Gi-Oh. Think about it, have you ever heard of a new deck since AST came out? I doubt if you have. Toon Decks aren't original, they've been made, neither are trample, D.D., water, if you heard of it, or if it's an obvious strategy, then it's been made. I'd like to give a different meaning to "Originality in Yu-Gi-Oh".
Originality in Yu-Gi-Oh-using a deck, or series of cards and or combos that is different from what is mainstreamed or most commonly played.
    There I like that better. Do you like that definition better? With that definition, I've just made a lot more people original, yippee. I know I just did a George Bush by making up the meaning of a word, but this was for good, not for evil. So people, remember, try to be original, there'll be a lot less people complaining that way. Remember what Yu-Gi-Oh is about, having fun, making friends, and being together, it's true, it's darn true.
In my next article, I'll talk about the hidden life lessons in Yu-Gi-Oh.
Did you like it? Do you want to kill me? Send me a letter telling me what you thought because I love to get mail, and remember, your opinion matters to me.
Email: RDuelistBo@aol.com