The Ultimate Sorcerer at Work - Master Duelist
Cards Needed
- Sorcerer of Dark Magic
-Sage's Stone
-Dark Magician Girl and Dark Magician ( if you dont have these two cards contact me - from my email below - )
-Cost Down
This is an easy tip so listen out, First thing you'll need to do is to summon a Dark Magician Girl on your side of the field if you're lucky enough to have a Cost Down in your hand then play it first you will have to give up one card from your hand but it most certainly is worth it. After you activate Cost Down you are now able to summon the Dark Magician Girl without offering any tributes ( Cost Down's effect decreases the level of every monster in your hand by two until the end of the turn ). Now you need to use Sage's Stone which allows you to summon a Dark Magician from your deck as long as you have a Dark Magician Girl on the field. Now just keep your opponent busy until you get the Sorcerer of Dark Magic to your hand (make sure your magicians are safe). Now summon Sorcerer of Dark Magic and you basically guaranteed your win ( Sorcerer of Dark Magic has an ATK of 3200 and a DEF of 2800 plus as long as it is in play all trap cards on the field are negated and destroyed ).
Enjoy winning................... :D :D :D