[androiderliki@yahoo.com.sg] A deck idea on a lost card, and an analysis on advantages-Android Psycho Shocker LK Ok. What IS the lost card. It is Hino-Taku-Tsughi. 2800Attk, 2900def. Spirit. 8 star. Effect: When this card damages your opponent, he discards his whole hand the next turn before drawing. Ok, this IS nice, but it is a SPIRIT!!!!! No way, I've not been seeing this card too often. Ok some strategies to help this lost card. A deck idea... 3 Penguin Soldier 2 Gravekeeper's Guard 3 Tornado Bird 2 Guardian Sphinx 3 Hino-Taku-Tsughi 3 Berserk Gorilla 1 Legendary Jujitsu Master 3 Wall of Illusion 1 Jinzo Magics: 3 Giant Trunade 1 Heavy Storm 1 Mystical Space Typhoon 1 Pot of Greed 1 Premature Burial 2 Scapegoat 1 Swords of Reveaaling Light 1 Card Destruction Traps: 2 Compulsory Evacuation Device 1 Ring of Destruction 1 Magic Cylinder 3 Ultimate Offering 2 Solemn Judgement 2 Barrel Behind the Door 1 Call of the Haunted 3 Waboku Thats all. The idea is to move as many of his cards back to his hand and use Hino to knock them all out. Some might argue that destroying those cards directly is so much better, but this is much flashier and doesn't give much chance of comeback and limits his hand advantage to 1 compared to yours. Your opponent will be awed, and he will be more intimidated than if you just use man-eater bug. Card Count: 21 Monsters 11 Magics 15 Traps Total: 47 Cards Add in a few favourite combos and make a side deck or just blow the cards in the deck away to make a 40 card deck. Now for the rant on advantage. There are 4 kinds of advantage. Lifepoint advantage, Hand Advantage, Deck advantage and field advantage. Now for the card: Don Zaloog It is a great card. Now analysing it in terms of advantages Lifepoint advantage: Its attk is decent enough, so it can deal lifepoint damage. Field Advantage; A foil card is pretty intimidating, huh? It gives Field Advantage, as defence and simply as a filler up of space. Hand Advantage: Yes, you can discard a card from your opponents' hand Deck Advantage:Discard two cards from the top of his deck. You will have more deck cards remaining and you can just stall to the end. Now I hope more people will analyse cards in terms of the advantage. Now for the ranking (In most typical decks): Hand Advantage is the most important. Field advantage is next.LP is next. Deck advantage is last. Hope you liked this tip. Email: androiderliki@yahoo.com.sg Thanks for reading!!