 Ryan's Amazing Journey: Decontructin a Chaos Deck - The Light's Response
Ok today I'm going completly old school, and bringing out the light tips. Now seeing how most people play chaos decks wrong, a light deck will stop them in their tracks...and the way I have my deck set up...even if they played it right...they wouldn't have much turns to live...
Now I feel that light decks are truly one of the most underplayed themes of the day...sadly most people are willing to try warriors or fiends, but no one will stop and play the light monsters...which is sad b/c they have some real powerhouses...and plenty of broken cards...
Now on to explanitions:
1) Most people play chaos wrong...(ie: breaker, ddwl, jinzo, reflect bounder, etc) these cards are slow, powerful but slow...anyone with a decent combo can crush them. This is one reason why light shines against this deck...one of the main reasons is DDWL. Like I said in a previous article DDWL is a terrible chaos monster, b/c of its effect...if u use it its no longer chaos food, if u don't its useless...however its a great counter chaos card...run 2 or 3 and your opponent won't have any monsters to remove from play...
2) Even if they play a good chaos deck (ie: apprentice magician, magician of faith, shining angels, and giant germs) ddwl still takes care of them. Also this is where I introduce one of my favorites Maha Vailo...just equip it with Big Bang Shot and u have a monster with 2450 attack and trample effect on the field...can u say sweet! (also note that its a good idea to side-deck a nobleman of crossout, or light of intervention to stop these chaos decks...)
Now this deck's strength is it has incredible power and speed. The power comes from your Mahas, with equips like UWS, MP, and a few Big Bang Shots...(by the ways this deck will be huge with bans b/c only 1 MST and no HFD...but don't u dare say the bans was needed to help it win...I can't even count how many times I won the tournament with this baby... in fact the only reason I don't play it as much now, is b/c I love my water deck...
The other huge strength of this deck is the speed. Shining Angels is a must...I can't tell u how many times these angels saved me...like if your opponent has a whole field of monsters and all u have is a shinging angel, they attack it u can keep bringing out more shining angels, and eventually bring out DDWL to stop their finishing move...
The other staple for speed here is Airknight Parshath...another great buddy of mine and perhaps one of the few rightly played chaos monsters...the truth is in a light deck he's a 5/5 period. Run this with Luminious Sparks (yes I do play field cards...lol...) and it has 2400 att with trample and draw power...
***editors note...Luminious Sparks is a powerhouse for this deck...what could be greater than a DDWL with 2000 att? Maha with 2050 even w/out an equip, shining angel with 1900...imagine that a 1900 searcher as a beatstick...lol...***
Finally this deck slaughters flip effects. With tramplers like Airknight and Big Bang Shot on Maha your opponent is going to lose a lot of life points...I do not allow flip effects with this deck...so I also run Ceasefire and its cousin The Spell Absorbing Life...(well I do play Magician of Faith...ok I guess I'll allow myself to use flip effects...but u can't...lol)
This light decks last strength is its shere potential...your opponent is going to lose a lot of lp's quickly esp if u tempt them into attacking your Shining Angel with a secret Magical Cylinder or Ring of Destruction waiting for them... the lp's are going to constantly keep going lower by cards like Reflect Bounder and then your tramplers...a few nicely played DDWL's and Airknights or Mahas and its all over...also you have Guardian Angel Joan as your trump card. (also with all the equips and power-ups a good side-deck choice is Injection Fairy Lily and maybe some Scapegoats for protection...also great for UWS... IFL lp cost is not even a worry if u get ahead with Guardian Angel Joan, solemn wishes, or just be brute force)
This is why a nicely played Light deck is just another option to beating the chaos cards...it has amazing speed, amazing monster removal (g'bye chaos food...lol...) and amazing power...(probably the best beatdown deck there is...at least as far as strategy goes...the only other one that comes close is a skilldrain deck...)
Whats that I've given u guys 6 decks that slaughter chaos...lets see there's water, dagger, fire, scientist, angels,and now light... (does anyone else see the pattern here...o wait I know what it is...just about any deck "played right" can easily beat any chaos deck...they aren't that powerful...lol...nothing amuses me more than to go to tournaments and watch these poor souls watch in disbelief as I slaughter their poor chaos deck with about 6 different "unplayable"...lol...deck types...the truth is there is SO MUCH SUPPORT out there for each deck type, that if u made a theme, and sticked with it, u would win a lot more...(I wonder if anyone else realises that thats all a chaos deck is...just another theme...)
Well I think I'm going to be nice today and not pick on people...I've done that plenty of times in my other articles...lol...so since I'm done with my tip I guess this is it. Find a deck that suites you and make it your own. Pick your favorites cards. Then find a way to make it work...it took me 3 years for my water deck to get where it is now...but it constantly kept improving with each new booster pack...now thats deck testing...any deck can win if u play it right...the chaos cards are not as broken as everyone thinks they are...if u guys just realised this earlier there would be no need for a ban list anyways...
Anyways go out there and show up all those poor unsuspecting fools at the tournaments ... lol ... u can do it! Make me proud! Remember if nothing else u got the element of surprise on your side, a powerful weapon thats been missing from yugioh for to long.
I'm really not sure what my next article is going to be on...so if u have any ideas, or requests send them to me and I may just do that.
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Love me (its hard not to...lol...)
questions, comments, tips, etc send them to
Ryan <><