Revised combo for the new ban. Tetsuru
Hello every one, this is Tetsuru with a revised tip from one of my posts (The End of Monster Reborn With a New Beginning) I have got a lot of hate mail over that tip but, as you all know Monster Reborn will be ban in tournaments. So, what does that leave use with? There is nothing really to replace Monster Reborn but, there is my combo
Soul Release and Dimension Fusion
OK this combo only works it's best mid game, since you will have a good bit of monsters in the grave yard. Play Soul Release and take 4 monsters in your grave and RFG. Then pay 2000 life points for DF and summon them all back to the field (The reason I said this is because, your opp. must have a card rfg as well to get DF to work) so, with Soul Release take one of his monsters as well.
What do you think of this combo now?
E-mail me at WithASword@aol.com