 Sorcerer of dark magic summoning - Beza
Hey everybody, Beza here, first time writer long time reader. Those of you who have seen the Yu-Gi-Oh movie or at least seen your mates' cards that he got there will know about the new jinzo on the block. ' Sorcerer of Dark Magic'. For those of you who don't know about him, here he is. ( This is NOT the dark magician girl - sage's stone combo )
Sorcerer of dark magic ( MOV-EN002 Promo )
Dark/Spellcaster  8 stars
Atk/'3200 Def'/2800
Effect: This card cannot be normal summoned or set. This card cannot be special summoned exept by offering 2 level 6 or higher Spellcaster-Type monsters on your side of the field as tributes. As long as this card remains face up on the field, you can negate the activation of trap cards and destroy them.
-3200 Attack
-Negate and destroy all opponents traps and still use your own
-Opponent can't summon from graveyard
-High tribute cost
-You can't summon from the graveyard either
-Tributes HAVE to be spellcaster
At first glance, this card seems to be ridiculous to get out but worth it if you can, and it was placed in my wardrobe until I came across an old friend...
Chaos Sorcerer  ( IOC-023 common )
Dark/Spellcaster  6 stars
Atk/2300 Def/2000
Effect: This card can only be special summoned by removing 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK monster in your graveyard from play. Once during each of your turns, you can remove 1 face-up monster on the field from play. If you activate this effect, this card cannot attack during this turn.
Has anyone seen it yet? Remove 2 LIGHT and 2 DARK monsters' from your graveyard from play 2 summon 2 of these to the field, if you can use thier effects of them on your opponent then good on yer. IMPORTANT: DO NOT ATTACK, otherwise your Sorcerer of Dark Magic cannot get his shot in. Once they are on the field ( and if possible used the effects, reducing your opponents monsters on the field by 2 at the most ), tribute them for 'Sorcerer of Dark Magic' and attack. No need to fear from traps, if you have Imperal Order down then magic is no problem and you can normal summon this turn so you could tribute a different monster on the field for something along the lines of 'Dark Ruler Hades' or 'Terrorking Archfiend' that stops effects of monsters. If you pulled this off then congratulations. your opponent is now locked down and for the measly price of 700 ( 1500 in the case of Terrorking' unless you have pandemonium or some form of gaining life points like 'Solemn Wishes' or something ) life points a turn you will soon whittle your opponent down to nothing. Good in Dark, maybe Archfiend or maybe Spellcaster decks.
If you want to ask me anything/say hi/thank/send other combos' to/verbally abuse me, reach me at beza14@hotmail.com