From: Mark Baker[] Joey Deck - Topnwe I know that most people out there will think that this is a ridiculous idea, but I have seen it work many times. So why not try it out for fun with your friends? Last year I made what I call, a "Joey deck". The idea of such a deck really has nothing to do with Joey. The deck contains only one copy of any given card, forcing a person to use different cards. The monsters should also be varied in abilities and sizes. The main concept of the deck is for it to be able to handle any kind of situation. Mine contained many of the so-called "staples", along with many cards i felt were very effective in their own way(such as needle ceiling, Tsukuyomi, Mataza, Gravity Axe Grarl, etc.). The decks can be quite competitive, and if nothing else provide you with a deck to use that Mystical Knight Jackal, or Zaborg in. The more rarely used cards you put in the deck, the more it feels like your own unique deck. I felt that this gives games the feel you always get when you watch the show and think, how cool would it be to have my own deck with a monster who is known as MINE. In my deck I had Injection Fairy Lily, Mystical Knight of Jackal, Moisture Creature, Fiend Megacyber, and Spirit Reaper in it. You can use all kinds of creatures, Hyper Hammerhead and other unique common creatures can add a few extra tricks to your arsenal, and maybe you'll even find something you try out as being good enough that you want it in one of your main decks, who knows? thoughts, comments, disgruntled rantings? let me hear 'em. ~ Topnwe