Strategy Hey Guys its Big E again anthis time I've got some info to share on the powerful sphinx cards. I happen to have a shinx deck myself, and find it rather powerful too. But if you want to be able to put Theinin on the field, you've got some work cut out for you ( especially when you don't have a SINGLE PYRAMID OF LIGHT!!! like me :( ) Now with the few cards I have( the 4 starters and a exclusive pack...I know, I know..) I have discovered that phinxes love burner decks. Plain and simple. My deck revolves around putting and keeping Thousand Eyes restrict on the field long enough to get Teleia and Andro on the field, then a simple dark hole does the rest. Also sphinxes LOVE swords of revealing light, nothing like thinning the deck a bit by drawing a few more cards ay? Any who, I also use a Type-Zero Magic crusher to help wittle down my oppenents LP a bit before Theinen. Well there you go, a rather sucessfull deck. Emial me at for comments or ridicule. I'm out! ______________________________________________________________