Dark Beginnings 1: What were they thinking?
Upon reading the Dark Beginning 1 list today, I was utterly horrified to see what Upperdeck was doing to the game.  Though delighted with the release of Big Shield Gardna and Executioner Makyura, I was sicked by the thought of what else they were doing.  All of our previous struggles, careful trading, and wise judgment to obtain great cards will have been for nothing after the release of this set.  I honestly consider myself to be a great help to n00bs/beginners, whatever you want to call them...but when someone who has been playing for a week has Exodia, all the control spell cards (Delinquent, Confiscation, Forceful...), and other cards we envied for a long time and worked hard to get...
What was UDE thinking?  They are destroying the integrity of the game to make a cheap profit by capitalizing on the undeniable fact that n00bs will open a pack, pull 2 pieces of Exodia, and then empty their pockets trying to assemble the rest of him...which they will UNDOUBTEDLY accomplish. 
Honestly, as a many time champion, I would love a more challenging tournament scene overrun with people sporting an arsenal of deadly cards.  I would love nothing more.
But I absolutely resent the fact that these people will no longer have to work for such cards, as I did in my days of running 3 copies of BEWD...so young...so incredibly stupid I was...but I learned from my mistakes, worked hard, learned and mastered the game.  I feel this expansion will rob new players of that experience.  In fact, this is kind of pointless considering that no amount of ranting about the integrity of the game will prevent the release of this travesty...
We must adapt, as always, to the ridiculous choices of Upperdeck