

                 This is a deck for people who are new to the game (and its ban list complient). The average cost to run this deck is about $50. How do I figure that, well you need to buy World Tournament 2004 (about $30), a Yugi Evolution deck (about $15). But how do you get the rest you may ask? Its actually very simple, usually card shops have binders with common (Harpies, Giant Orc etc.) & rare cards (Berserk, Magic Drain etc.) for like $0.10 each. Of course you can always alter this deck since it is very flexable. Plus you get a video game! Happy Dueling


WT= World tournament 2004

YE= Yugi Evolution Deck

C/R= Common/Rares




 Monsters (21)


1x Fairy King Trusedale (WT)

1x Summoned Skull (YE)

1x Berserk Gorilla (C/R)

3x Archfiend Soldier (C/R)

3x Mad Dog of Darkness (C/R)

1x Slate Warrior (WT)

3x Giant Orcs (C/R)

3x Harpies Brother (C/R)

3x Great Angus (C/R)

1x Blazing Inpachi (C/R)

1x Zombra the Dark (YE)


  Spells (11)


1x Change of Heart (YE)

1x Monster Reborn (YE)

1x Dark Hole (YE)

1x Axe of Despair (YE)

1x Pot of Greed (YE)

1x Mystical Space Typhoon (YE)

1x Swords of Reveling Light (YE)

1x Card Destruction (YE)

3x Fissure (YE&C/R)


Traps (8)


3x Waboku (YE&C/R)

1x Magic Drain (C/R)

1x Magic Jammer (YE)

1x Draining Shield (C/R)

1x Spellbinding Circle (YE)

1x Wall of Reveling Light (C/R)

                                                                    Questions? You can reach me at