Rant on Beatdown- Rollo T

Hi everyone.  Last time I had an article on deck types, which I recieved a lot of postive feedback from, so today I want to talk about a specific deck type.  Beatdown.
A lot of you are either saying, "Oh great another complaining newbie" or "Oh look another Beatdown lover" Well that's not what's going down.  First off I don't play a beatdown deck.  I've never run a Beatdown deck, and don't see myself running any in the near future.  Now that's not to say I hate Beatdown decks, its just not my style.  You see, I've lost to plently a beatdown decks, some very, very well contstructed.  You see I think some people are confused at what a real beatdown deck is.  A beatdown deck is a deck primarly 4 star monsters with 1700 and higher attack, and few tribute cards, the point of the deck being to hit you hard and fast so you have no time to comeback.
I think what a lot of people think a beatdown deck is, is Jinzo, Yata, Choas Emporer, Black Luster, Vampire Lord etc.  Those are the decks I hate to lose against, because it feels like I lost to a coatrack, because it's just a whole bunch of good cards thrown together without any perpose but to win.  Now not all of those decks are like that, as I've played decks using those cards that were well constructed as to that there was a strategy in using those cards besides CED and Yata lock.
So in my opinion beatdown decks are fine, and staple decks are good as long as there's a strategy to the deck, and if you don't like that, then build a deck specific to beating those decks.  I don't care just have fun dueling, that's why they made the game!
You can e-mail me, Chris Larios, at RolloT88@aol.com