Well, this is my first tip post.  I'm guillermoman (or billy), and I have a decent combo that could get a deck around it.  It uses "Granadora" and "Begone, Knave!".  Simply have "Begone, Knave!" face up and summon "Granadora".  It must attack and do battle damage, either directly (preferably), or through battle (since there are so many weak monsters currently played).  Through "Granadora's" effect, you gain 1000 life points, but since it is not destroyed (sent to your hand), you do not lose 2000 life points. 
This means "Begone, Knave!" must be on the field for one turn, since it cannot be initially played face up. Unless you use Executioner Maykura, which is not out in English and then you cannot yet do another summon unless playing Ultimate offering which would still need to be played before, this must be done turn two.  You could throw in one "Spring of Rebirth" to gain life off of the returning to your hand.  Also, "Begone, Knave!" can be used defensively for a "Wall of Illusion" effect.
This can make a good deck with "Major Riot", "Compulsory Evacuation Device", "Wall of Illusion", "Penguin Soldier", and other similar cards.
If you want to send hatemail for bringing up seemingly worthless common cards, want help, or just want to talk, e-mail me at WilliamWmc4@aol.com