More help for exodia on the way

ok so you all read my last writing peace on exodia and here is one for you to look at
coming out in the future there is a card called demon-world familiar its effect reads like this
When this card goes to the Cemetery from the Field, each player chooses 1 Level 3 or lower
Normal Monster in his or her deck, reveals it to each player, and puts it into his or her hand.
Afterward, shuffle the decks. so that is like the effect and it is awesome for exodia decks
it would be so sweet if it doesnt get restricted because three of these and a which and a
sanga could win the duel pretty quick for exodia players so thats is it and here is a picture
of it i think it looks realy cool

yes i did get it off tw web site

    so e-mail me at or I.M. me at GPantsButt and if you have a sn you better I.M. me