Good Basic Beast and Warrior deck for beginners- IcE_MuNkEe
Hello peoples at Pojo and the world,
I have constructed a good basic deck that new people can play. It is mainly made of Starter Deck Cards, common cards and a few others. I hope you like it!

Monsters (18):

2x Battle Ox
2x Swordstalker
1x Frontier Wiseman
1x Skull Mariner
1x Karate Man
2x Flame Manipulator
2x Masaki the Legendary Swordsman
1x Princess of Tsurugi
1x D. Human
1x Trap Master
1x Hane-Hane
1x Gearfried The Iron Knight
1x Mysterious Puppeteer
1x Judge Man

Fusion Monsters (2):

2x Flame Swordsman

Magic Cards (18):

1x Sparks
1x Ookazi
1x Dian Keto the Cure Master
1x Red Medicine
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
1x Change of Heart
1x Sogen
2x Monster Recovery
1x Ground Collapse
1x Malevolant Nuzzler
2x The Warrior Returning Alive
2x De Spell
1x Fissure
1x Dragonic Attack

Trap Cards (7):

1x Just Desserts
1x Ultimate Offering
1x Attack and Receive
2x Waboku
1x Castle Walls
1x Shadow of Eyes

Total Cards: 43 Cards

I hope you all enjoy. I play this deck against my sister, and so far i haven't lost!
