Ideas on Original Decks and Duels - Spudman
        People talk about making original and creative decks, but it seems that I am one of the few that follows through. I've heard the
arguments the number one being "If it works, use it". I can tell you from personal experience that traditional decks make for some very boring      duels. They got more and more annoying and boring until I made my first original deck, a Huge Revolution Yata-Garasu deck. It was pretty good and was very original. I took it to the local tournament and placed fourth which was pretty darn good. Since then I've seen all sorts of decks at the tournament, such as Gradius based, an Elma deck or two, an Insect deck, a G-Bind Burn deck, and all kinds of weird and original stuff. There hasn't been a dull moment since my first deck. I currently run a Fairy deck with a heavy emphasis on powering up Mudora to insanely high levels of power. my personal record is two out with 4500 ATK each. Slam bam thank you maam. From 8000 to zero in two seconds flat, it was great. The whole point of this is if you want some of the most interesting duels you've ever had, just try out some new decks with your friends and at your local card shop. Have fun everyone.
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