[baaaaaa123@hotmail.com] some tips to help your dueling - Mike Dawg Mic Doo Hello to all, tha 1st thing im going to tlk about is card advantage. I believe almost ne card in a well constructed deck can give u card advantage. think about timing, be conservative with ur cards that have potential. Here are sum cards that can help. SINISTER SERPENT, i honestly recomend this card for nedeck at all!! this is the single most important card for gaining card advantage. Graceful charity, can act as def while ur opponent stacks up his/her monsters just waiting to be hit by a dark hole. Chaos Emperor Dragon, after blast he just comes back, yata lock, stops with a click of ur fingers. If u dont think this card is ne good, go suk a n00b popsicle. Secondly, "Luck of the Draw" please people, dont tell other people that if they have a good draw, or pull off an awesum combo, that they are lucky. A good duelist control there luck in 4-5 turns, by means of thining, searching. So dont ever tell sum1 that they are just luckly (unless they gt exodia in the 1st turn!!) Thirdly analize ur deck, no ur odds e.g. i no that if i flip fiber jar on my turn, i will almost always draw a card that can take a decent chunk out off my opponents lp, short but sweet, just no ur deck. And lastly run as little cards as possible that u need luck to work, cyber jar, i mean really is this card really worth the risk?? Im sure if u have run this card for a while u would realise that the amount of times that u have fallen 2 ur own jar is amazing!! this card can b good with things like waboku or torrential tribute and chaos. But appart from that dont even bother. Signing out, Mike Dawg Mic Doo Love me, baaaaaa123@hotmail.com hate me, idontcarewaturonfag!!@hotmales.com