[AJREST417@aol.com] Sorcerer of Dark Magic Tip - AJREST417 Dear pojo readers, Hello all! This is my first pojo tip. First off I like to thank pojo for posting this. Ok, now on to the tip. I'm sure you all know about the card Sorcerer of Dark Magic. If you don't, this is one of the movie promo cards. Basically, to summon this monster you have to sacrifice 2 level 6 or higher spellcasters (counts as a special summon), and he has the effect of Jinzo that is OPTIONAL. Oh, by the way, his ATK is 3200 and his DEF is 2800. Ok, enough about that. Now you may be saying, "Well the only good playable spellcasters out there that are level 6 or higher worth playing are Dark Magician, Magician of Black Chaos, and Command Magician. Theres no way you can get him out faster." Well, you are wrong. There is one overlooked magician who is level 6. Her name is Dark Magician Girl. If you have her you are half way there. If you were to somehow find Sage's Stone then great (Sage's Stone is a spell card that allows you to special summon Dark Magician if you have Dark Magician Girl on the field) you are half way there. Here is what it comes down to: 1)Get Dark Magician Girl on the field 2)Activate Sage's Stone 3)Special Summon Dark Magician 4)Sacrifice both for Sorcerer of Dark Magic 5)Slap around you opponent for 3200 damage That is my tip. I know it sounds kinda hard, but if you have sufficient draw power in you deck, I'm sure you can pull off this combo and show everyone that this card is very worth playing if you have the right cards. If you wana talk cards with me email me at AJREST417@aol.com. Thank you for your time.