Countering CED-David B.

  I am a huge anti-chaos person... I hate chaos a lot and vowed never to use chaos cards unless abosolutly necessary to but it's not bloody likely... So I have some cards here that are to help counter CED (Chaos Emperor Dragon)...

Barrel Behind the Door: To basically counter the damage CED with lay waste on him and make everything (well almost everything) good for you since you'll get the first draw

Trap of Board Eraser: Well it's not better than BBTD but it still negates the damage!

D.D. Designator: Somehow, someway you know they have a CED in thier hand, use it! get it gone and you'll never have to worry of it for the rest of the duel altogether (hopefully)!

  Now we all know that the Yata-Garasu and CED combo would end the duel but there is a card to actually prepare for it when you get caught in it and give you a fighting chance to get back at him...

Sinister Serpent: Since Yata is 200/100 and Sinister Serpent is 300/200; Yata has no chance to stand up against SS. Which will give you hopefully a fighting chance... You can use SS to defend ar attack for 300 but hope that your opponent doesn't draw a powerful monster to beat up sinister. But if all goes well you can say that you broke to CED Yata lock!!!

  My name is David Tuan Bui and my email is machostud44@hotmail.com E-mail me for anything at all! MSN duels, comments, even hate mail (hopefully I don't get some). And if oyu wanna PM me, my Pojo account is gateguardian44. Alright I'll try to have some good strategies and other stuff posted as I discover them!