CED vs JINZO - DOTHnightmare
Hey all i'm back again with another jinzo bashing article not that i dont like him its just i like ced better.
Any way all i want to know is what you think on the matter of jinzo vs ced,
because i want to know who is the best now lets break em down, first jinzo,
jinzo is a mon that will be found in 99.9% of all tourney decks and is a staple that cant be ignored, he has the base atk for a lv 6 and a witchable def.
He is 1 of the top choices for monster reborning and he can mess up a exodia deck, he negates a trap when called back with call of the haunted and has the ability to only negate your opponents traps with amp equipped to him.
Sounds good yes?
Now ced is a monster who's power is godly, he has the power to blow up evrything and reduce you and your oponent to top decking.
He is verry cheap to summon for a light and a dark an has the same stats as a blue eyes, he has a hole deck bilt around him an most people use chaos now so he is found in at least 70% of all tourney decks, plus this bad boy has the power to combo with yata for a 1 turn win, with a sangn on field when the boom go's of, ta da instant yata lock so what do ya think about it now.
Well i think that ced is way better but my opinion cant be trusted as i am too wacky too be taken seriously
Its up too you if ya cant decide just think of witch 1 you would take out of ya deck if you hat to take out 1 or what 1 you would rather get in a pack
i will colect the votes on the better 1 and put the winner in my next tip
so send your votes or opinions to
ill be wating muhahahahahahaha