[dragon0291@comcast.net] Azn Squall - DNA Sorceror Combo hey sup yall hi pojo since the yu-gi-oh movie came out, there has been a few crappy cards given out for free with unlikely odds of them being played. yea sorceror of dark magic is like a strong Jinzo, but there arent many 6 or higher stars spellcasters to sacrifice for it except for Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl. unless you make all monsters spellcasters the cards you'll need: Sorceror of Dark Magic DNA Surgery 2 6 stars or higher monsters (preferably 6 star monsters like summoned skull, dark driceratops, or luster dragon) first, get your 6 or higher star monsters out while drawing to get dna surgery and SODM. use drawing cards, as usual. when you get the cards you need, set dna surgery. activate it and make everybody spellcasters. sacrifice the two 6 or up star monsters on the field to summon SODM. it might be quite a challenge, but it's worth it, summoning a monster of 3200 atk and destroys your opponent's trap cards. give it a couple of equip cards and kick your opponent's butt! upsides: You get SODM out. His 3200 atk might be crazy to beat. He also negates your opponent's trap cards. downside: You must get the weak monsters to sac, the strong monsters to sac, SODM, and dna surgery. in total, you have to sac from 4-6 monsters to summon SODM. It's still vulnerable to cards like fissure, dark hole, raigeki, offerings to the doomed, and tribute to the doomed. however, it's your choice. take a risk, test this combo, and have fun! Azn Squall