From: Prevention of theft and other things By Keith A couple of months back, a 5-year-old stole my HFD. This made me really mad. Luckily, I had extra cash to buy a new one. I now pledged to keep my deck theft free. Tip 1 Go to your local card shop(s) and get some toploaders. They are incredibly slippery. Once I saw a kid steal another's deck and .....the toploaders slipped right out of his hand. The kid was glad none of his cards got stolen(Who wouldn't be). The second reason to use toploaders is they stick out in pockets. Just today I caught my X-friend(not because of this incedent)try and run off with Imperial Order, Jinzo, and Mirror Force. I swiped them out of his pocket and told him to get lost>:). Tip 2 Get a binder and put your trade bait in it. Someone could put all your cards in their pockets and leave, but it's hard to stuff a binder in your pocket. Tip 3 Put some sort of protection on cards. Some awsome ways include putting your deck box in a tin, and put a magnet on something inside(may ruin the value, but I plastered a magnet inside the tin).It takes some time to open, so thefts stay away. Tip 4 Inside your sleeves, put some marking(Initials, a certain sticker)on the side you can't see(the side the back of your card gets)Just remember, on the INSIDE. Theives often use your sleeves. Just look in that area of the sleeve and you can prove theft. Tip 5 Simply watch your cards. Take them wherever you go with yugioh players. Now time for the other things part. Tribe infecting virus is awsome, but against a good hand disruption deck, you can't make the ultimate use. It's a little bit overrated IMO. Also, UDE is really getting better.(Brings out hatemail gun. I'm ready)I mean, in Japan,Scientist was a SR. Here it's a common. Also, considering Orc is a common, budget decks can actually stand a chance. For people saying DMG is a terrible Secret Rare, do what we did with most ourLOB through MRL secrets, sell them. Also with the better cards easier to get then we thought, we should really be thankful. Now, most of upperdeck's people actually play the game and know the rules. If you want to email me make the subject "yugioh CCG tips." Anyway, my addess is _____________________________________