Subject: A "Common" Mistake- The Angry Duelist

With the release of the new tins, there is only one word to express my emotions......appalled. Who gave Upperdeck the idea to release Jinzo as a promo/tin?

Now yes, I understand, kids who don't have the ability to get good cards are now able to have access to game changing cards, but you have to understand, the entire point of setting card raritys is to make certain cards more difficult to get than others. So the whole point of making Jinzo a secret rare was that not everyone would have one. I have a 1st edition PSV Jinzo. I never buy boosters, I only have it because I am a smart trader. I'll be the first person to say, that was one of the most difficult cards for me to get. Since the first day I started playing I worked my butt off to find and get a Jinzo, and it was very rewarding when I got one. And now the whole concept of "working for what you have" is blown. Think about it. Magic Jammer, Mystical Space Typhoon, Seven Tools of the Bandit...all origionally ultra rares. They were made UR's because they are good cards, and not everyone is supposed to have one. Come one Upperdeck, whats next? Common Mirror Force? Common Magic Cylinder? You might as well make everything common, that way people won't work their tails off to get good card, only to be dissapointed when you release them as easy to get promos. For shame Upperdeck.....for shame.

Alex Higginbotham