Subject: XYZ and Special Summons Well, I went through the CotD for Versago the Destroyer. As I predicted, one of the revieweres mentioned using Fusion-substitutes in an XYZ deck. Let me make this very, very clear: XYZ FUSIONS CANNOT BE SUMMONED ANY WAY EXCEPT THEIR EFFECT, AND THEIR EFFECT DOES NOT COUNT AS A FUSION SUMMON. Do you see what this means? 1. No Fusion Gate. (no Poly either, for that matter) 2. No fusion-subs (it's like using Fusion-subs to summon Valkyrion or Gate Guardian :x can't be done, and doesn't make sense) 3. No reviving (even if you summoned it through its effect). 4. No Summoner of Illusions, Cyber-Stein, Metamorphosis, and so forth. So right now, you might be thinking, "Well, I guess the issue is resolved here. XYZ-fusion isn't a fusion." So now, I'm just going to throw you completely off and give you a second, completely screwy ruling: If you summon XYZ through its effect, then use Miracle Dig to get X, Y, and Z into your graveyard, De-Fusion WILL let you summon X, Y, and Z. So now you're completely confused, right? Yeah, so was I when I found this ruling. But it's there. In the JERP. But let me just make this very, very clear that fusion gate, fusion-subs, reviving, and any other Special Summon method will NOT work on an XYZ fusion. Oh, and one more thing. Duelmonster's Review of Limiter Removal: "Spell Canceller will is another decent Machine with 1800 ATK but it's level 5 but its Spell Negation effect will make up for that." Remind me again how Limiter Removal can be activated with Spell Canceller face-up on the field. Questions, Comments, Rants: -Pegasus