How to help your Mystical Knight (of Jackal, that is) Mystical Knight of Jackal (or Jackal Paladin…much cooler name) is my personal favorite card. Not only does he look unbelievably cool, but he can create a nasty lock for your opponent when played correctly. Here I shall list several things that help, and hinder, Jackal Paladin. Mystical Knight Of Jackal PGD 069, Ultra Rare Light/Beast-Warrior Level 7: Attack- 2700, Defense- 1200 Effect: You can return your opponent’s own monster that is sent to the Graveyard by this monster as a result of battle to the top of his/her Deck. Firstly (and obviously), graveyard recursion. Graceful Charity + Monster Reborn/Premature Burial/Call of the Haunted are great ways to get Jackal on the field; his two tribute requirement can be hard to pull off, so it’s best to revive him from the graveyard. Secondly (and also obviously), hand disruption Magic (Spell) cards. Delinquent Duo and Confiscation obviously work very well with Jackal, but The Forceful Sentry does so even more. By returning a card to your opponent’s deck, you eliminate the chance of discarding a Sinister Serpent or high level Monster (as with DD…plus, it’s free). Jackal will be preventing your opponent from drawing anything useful anyway, so there’s a very good chance that what you return with TFS won’t be coming back. Thirdly, Fairy Meteor Crush/Big Bang Shot (which will be in Magician’s Force). With 2700 attack points on Jackal, your opponent will probably be playing his Monsters in defense mode. With FMC/BBS, even if he does, you’ll STILL be doing massive damage with Jackal. I’d actually recommend Fairy Meteor Crush over Big Bang Shot, though, because if they have M/T removal but not Monster removal and you have BBS equipped, they can kill Jackal. The 300 won’t really make much of a difference either way. I’d also mention that Monster from DM75GD’s article that gives Beast Warriors the FMC effect, but he’s not available in English yet. Fourthly, Light of Intervention/Royal Command. With these cards you won’t have to worry about whether you’re destroying Flip Effect Monsters; they won’t be able to use their Flip Effects. Just imagine…they set a Cyber Jar…you have Jackal out, Royal Command Set and FMC in hand. Hehe. This won’t happen much, obviously, but it’s fun to picture, isn’t it? Fifthly, Imperial Order and Magic (Spell?) Drain (Not Jammer…I don’t like Jammer). Protect your Jackal from those annoying Magic Cards with Order while you continuously kill the same monster over and over and then hit him hard with whichever other monster you feel like playing. Drain works well too, even before Jackal is out, to lessen your opponent’s hand size. Sixthly, Jinzo/Magic-Trap Removal. Kind of like the protection from Magics, these guys will protect your Jackal from Traps. Not too much explaining necessary. Now some things that hurt him… Sangan/Witch of the Black Forest: Kill one of these, your opponent gets the effect, and then it’s sent to the deck for them to use all over again. Quite annoying. Being a two tribute monster: Well…he’s two tributes…that’s bad. Monster removal. It’s annoying. I’m sure there’s more, but why would I want to focus on the NEGATIVE aspects of Jackal Paladin? To sum things up, he’s an underrated card that takes a lot of strategy to play correctly (and takes a deck built around him to work really well). So give him a shot…if you think you’re worthy. That’s all for now, Jason Cohen (Lord Tranorix) Send mail (positive, negative, both, neither) to I’m also SadistBalthazar on AIM.