Subject: How To Build A Great Warrior Deck-Siphon Hello, i am siphon and i currently run a warrior-beatdown deck. These decks can be both useful and effective against others and other beatdown decks. These are both hard to maintain and costly. I will show you how to create a warrior deck through this. 1. Use monsters that will help you to easily find your warriors. Use cards like Witch of the Black, and sangan. These may be very common, but they are powerful and limited. Cards like Freed the Matchless General and Reinforcements of the army help you find those warriors fast. 2. Do not put a warrior in your deck just because it is a warrior, but rather seek out cards that help warriors, whether they be magic, trap, or effect. Do not limit your deck to just warriors. I have an IFL in my deck just because it can turn itself into a powerful monster. If you see no help coming from that warrior, dont put it in! 3. Get 2 Marauding Captains. They are essential for any deck, not just warrior. they can help out in any situation, and getting two of them onto the field will prevent your opponent from getting to your life points as easily. I would also advise getting a couple good equips and a GAF or two. Contrary to popular belief, GAF's can help out in any situation. With an A. Force in play, a GAF can become a menace for those pesky Jinzo's. 4. Have many magic cards at your disposal. Warriors are all about speed and Magics provide that support. Traps are too slow. Limit your deck to 6-8 trap cards and about 15-17 magics. 5. Limit your deck to 40-42 cards. Monsters are the base for any deck, but it doesn't have to be exactly a ratio of 1:1. I carry 19 monsters and 21 m/t in my deck. Warrior decks are fun and fast. Many a duelist has been beaten by a Warrior deck simply because their decks are too slow. One lone card, Like Exiled Force, can turn a duel around. EF makes even BEWD whither to the ground. Other than hand disruption decks, a Warrior deck can take down just about any deck out there, and with some luck, maybe win a tourney with it. Questions? Criticism? Comments? Hate Mail? Munchies (mmmmmmmm)? Send them to (use something regarding yugioh in the subject line or i will delete it.) or IM me (pleez!) as mrfilbertiert. THX! ______________________________________________