Subject: During the Duel: Tips for dueling-King Hahn Well, I have several tips for dueling. These may give you slight advantages over your opponent and may even help you win. If they are not useful, I am sorry for wasting your time. Well, here are the tips. 1.) Every move counts! Don't make pointless moves. If you play a card in defense mode, and you know that you have nothing left in your deck that can save you from your opponent's Tyrant Dragon, or Jinzo, or whatever, then just surrender. By making a pointless move, you are just wasting your own and your opponent's time. 2.) Never show your opponent your hand! Your hand is an essential part of the duel, of course. Letting your opponent know what cards you can possibly play is not good, because then your opponent can develop a strategy to counter your card. 3.) If you have to, bluff. If you have a bunch of useless cards in your hand, say like a Dancing Elf and a Polymerization (being in the state where you don't have the Fusion-Material Monsters yet), and your opponent has like a Summoned Skull or something out, lay down Dancing Elf in face defense and place the Polymerization, smirk and say, "I dare you to attack." If they attack... then that stinks. 4.) If you have Ordeal Of A Traveler out (Continuous trap, whenever your opponent attacks, they have to pick a card in your hand and call it monster, magic, or trap. if they call wrong the attacking monster is returned to your opponent's hand.) then hold on to your cards tightly. I can't tell you HOW many duels I have lost because I had Ordeal Of A Traveler out and I accidentally dropped my cards. 5.) For all you cheaters out there, PLEASE don't cheat! It ruins the game for the people who try to play fairly. All right, those are some tips for while you are dueling. Here's a few for before a duel. 1.) Again, cheaters, please don't cheat. 2.) Go through your deck and make sure you have all the cards you need. If you know that your opponent has like some extremely powerful card but you know you have something to stop it, put the stopping card into your deck. 3.) This is just what I do, but before I shuffle I put my cards like Monster-Magic/Trap-Monster-Magic/Trp and so on and so forth. That way, when I shuffle, I don't just keep getting magic and trap cards while my opponent is having his way with my life points( I do have some stuff in my magics and traps that would protect me though) 4.) Shuffle thoroughly. Make sure that you shuffle your deck really well. 5.) Just say hi to your opponent and shake hands. It's just a polite thing to do that I do at the tourneys I go to. Well, those are my tips. Again, if they were not useful, I am sorry to have wasted your time. But I really want to put emphasis on not cheating. Like I said, it ruins the game for the people who play fairly. If you think that I used too many examples, I'm sorry, but I use lots of examples when I give tips for something. I am open to any and all comments, suggestions, and flames. Send them to to reach me. Thanks.