Subject: TP4 Cards Are In!!!!!!!!! I did some research and found the list for TP4. This is it: Ultra Rare: Royal Decree: A Continuous Trap version of Jinzo (excluding this one) Super Rares: Morphing Jar, Megamorph, Chain Destruction, and The Fiend Megacyber Rares: Dragon Seeker, Giant Red Seasnake, Exile of the Wicked, and Call of the Grave Commons: Rush Recklessly, Giant Rat, Senju of the Thousand Hands, Karate Man, Nimble Momonga, Mystic Tomato, Nobleman of Extermination, Magic Drain, Gravity Bind, Hayabusa Knight, and Mad Sword Beast Basically, this set is a repeat of cards from the early sets, like TP3 was. But the only new one is the Ultra Rare, Royal Decree. E-mail me at