Subject: Sacred cards promos Okay I'm going to go over what these cards are and what they do. Now most of you know what the promos are so I won't dwell on that much.First there is negate attack. Negate attack ( counter trap ) You may activate this card when your opponent attacks. Negate the attack and your opponents battle phase ends immediatly. This is quite an interesting card, but would you want to play it ? How about this: Negate attack vs. Waboku spell speed three spell speed two non-triggerable triggerable ends battle phase reduces battle damage Which is better in my opinion ? Waboku. Why ? Because it's triggerable. When used correctly , waboku can thwart jinzos , make msts useless, and save your but for a turn. However negate attack with it's non triggerable self is MST bait. It will be harder to use .Trust me. Riryoku Cut the attack of 1 monster on the feild in half and add that amount to another monster on the feild until the end of the turn. Amazing. Simply amazing. Let's see how much damage could possibly be done with this . For instance, let's say you had a jinzo kicking your @$$ when you only have two things in your hand: hayabusa and riryoku.You could use riyoku on jinzo and hayabusa , slap jinzo for 1000, then another 2200 for the knight's effect.That's pretty game breaking to me ( especialy late game).This card has tons of potential. I'd recomend at least trying it out. I'm not even going over PUGM b/c we all know it stinks like a bag of cow manure. Trade it to a newbie for a ring or something. One more unrelated thing . Why did most of the card of the day people say IO owns wave motion cannon? All it has to do is stay on the feild . If you read the card it's CONTINUOS , meaning it won't go to the grave if IO is ativated.Evenualy , IO will die in the corse of a duel and WMC will get it's effectsooner or later. The best part is that you can use IO and protect WMC from danger . Then after eight trn you can just user the effect to win. My e-mail is