Subject: Rares as Commons - monkey_on_drugs A lot of controversy was caused by some rare cards being re-released as commons. These cards such as Mystical Space Typhoon, Jinzo, Polymerization, etc. are very powerful and possibly game breaking cards that almost any deck could use. I'm sure most of you looked at some of these cards and said "I want!". Now it is possible for those people to obtain those cards. These people probably don't have access to hundreds of dollars to buy booster boxes or, like me, don't have access to a card shop that isn't an hour and a half away. There are usually two feelings those against these cards being released have: jealousy, or fear. This means that you are either mad that they are being released because you had yours first, or had to get it the hard way; or you are mad because you are afraid that you might have to face a Jinzo that isn't just yours Reborned. Myself, I own a rare MST, Toon Summoned Skull, Toon World and many others, and I couldn't be happier that they are re-releasing these cards because that makes it easier for me to build my deck stronger and better to take on these powerful cards that only I possessed before. To end off this whatever-you-want-to-call-it, I just want to say that if you're mad that all these great cards are being released in easier to obtain form, don't be. I say this for two reasons, one is that this makes it so that you can improve your deck to take on these cards so that you are prepared for anything. The second reason is that most of the people who get these cards are probably not the richest duelists in the world, and these great cards being released are a God-send. So, bash me all you want, yell at me (through e-mail, of course), tell me I suck, do whatever you want, but it will still not change my opinion. Yours Truly, Maurie Gagne